
I can’t even tell you how excited I am to REALLY know the direction that God is leading me.  As many of you probably know, I am very multi passionate & I love to do so many things!  I absolutely enjoy being a nurse and the patients are amazing and being a helper is one of my gifts which I also find alot of value in at home being a wife, mom, and grandma!  Working as needed at the clinic has been perfect for me, but honestly…..I am  busier than ever at home!  I am the type of person that has to be doing something and helping someone to be fulfilled-whether it be learning something new, trying something new or crafting  and  you definitely  wont ever see me sitting around!!  I grew up on a dairy farm and working hard is in my blood!  

So……I just want to let you know what is happening around here and how I am going to be pivoting slightly.  I want to teach more people to grow their own food and preserve it, raise their own animals, and become more self-sufficient as they begin their homesteading journey! 


Join our Facebook Group -> Simple Living for Busy Moms

Email -> [email protected]

Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/


See you next week!  
