
I hope you are having a fantastic day!  

Have you ever thought about what you are using to wash your dishes that goes on the plates and cups you eat from?  I want you to know how simple it is to make your own dishsoap, dishwasher detergent, counter cleaner, and hand soap.  These 4 items will take you very little time so you can easily transform your kitchen to using less toxins to become a more natural home.



Counter cleaner

Hand soap

If you are conscious of what you are eating, you will want to be aware of what you are using as well.  It is super simple to make these DIY cleaning products and they will save you money and once you see how easy it is, you probably wont ever go back to using the toxic products anymore.

I’m so excited for you to try it, so please send an email and let me know if you have any questions and your experience once you make it!


DIY Cleaners ->https://claiming-simplicity.ck.page/best-diy-cleaners

On Guard Concentrate -> On Guard Concentrate

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