
When you live your life intentionally, there doesn’t seem to be the feeling of friction which creates so much less stress is this crazy fast modern world.  If you listened to the last episode, you will understand when I say that social media is not something I want to be intentional about.  I would rather spend time with my real friends than the ones that just like everyones posts.  I just don’t want to take time away from what matters to me most and maybe that is you too.  What keeps you on these platforms?  I often wonder when people say they are busy, what they have to show for it.  Busy scrolling or busy with the people they love.  I hope it is the latter of the 2.  

You can’t ever get your time back and making memories and being intentional is key.  I am so thankful we bought a little piece of land just off the lake years ago and the kids were able to make memories from when they were very young. We cleared the land, worked on it with cash as we went, put in electric and well,  built a cabin and spent hundreds of weekends just making memories with family and friends. The best part is that we didn’t have any internet service.  Now our grandkids love all the memories we make up there and on our farm. 

We like to go on vacations a few times a year at least with our 2 kids that are still at home as they get to have many experiences as we have traveled around the US to many different locations.  They only have 5 years left at home, so we want to be intentional about that as well. We like to take a few weeks at a time so we can see as much as possible.  Sometimes we fly, but we would rather drive so we can do more. 

My husband & I have had weekends away, but we have our whole life to travel by ourselves after the kids are gone, so we like them to experience as much as possible while they are with us.  We don’t spend alot of money when we vacation and many times it is a business expense.

We like to hike and have visited many many national parks and since we make our own food from scratch, we usually rent houses with kitchens that we can cook from scratch ourselves so we keep our energy up and stay healthy. If there are some unique places to eat at with a fun experience, we will stop, but for the most part, we don’t like to waste our money on high priced unhealthy meals.

I encourage you to look at what you are doing intentionally in your life.  Is there some memories you would like to make, would you like to start cooking from scratch or learning some new skills?  We only have so much time on this earth, so I challenge you to stop scrolling and start living life!  God has so much more in store for you friend!  You will be so glad you did!



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