Hello Friend!

I know you can get overwhelmed with all the projects you may have on your homestead or farm, but if you begin by planning in the less busy season, you will feel less stress because you actually have a plan!

First, Start by listing all the projects outside you want to do this year.  I will add everything I can think of when I am planning for the new year

Next list any more animals we want to get and now this year, I will add to the list when we plan to breed our animals.

After that I will add any inside projects we need to get done 

I will add the things I want to learn or try in the kitchen and try to plan my canning as much as I am able  and the things I want to add to the garden.  

If you take time to write these things down and then plan a date or time frame for them, you are going to have less overwhelm because you know exactly what it is that you want to plan for the year and you will be prepared.

Simplifying all the systems is key!  


Blessings to you!



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