Hey Friend!

What a fast week it was!  I was very blessed to spend part of the week in Utah with some great friends!  God has really surrounded me with the best Christian Women and I sometimes have to seriously hold back the tears when God reveals all that He is orchestrating.  I have learned to be patient and wait on Him as He leads each and every step.  I can only do what I am doing through Him and I truely give Him all the glory!!!!!

This week I want to pass on another amazing garden tip that I learned a few weeks ago and tested it out!

Did you know that you can ripen green and orange tomatoes within 2 days and you don’t have to set them on a table or a window seal to ripen them?  I used to put mine in a single layer on a patio table this time of the year and then bring them into the garage at night in case it was going to freeze, but not anymore!  This is another game changer in addition to my freezing tomato tip and I can’t believe how well it worked!

We had frost here one night last week and because of our crazy schedule lately, I hadn’t had time to pick all the tomatoes, but I thought that I better pick as many as I could before I left for Utah!  It is really late for our tomatoes because we werent able to even plant them until early June!

I picked a few boxes of tomatoes and I froze all the ripe ones and had a full bag of unripened ones, so what I did was put my orange and green tomatoes in a paper grocery bag along with a few ripe tomatoes, I closed it tight, and I put it in the basement.  After 24 hours, about ½ of the tomatoes were ripe, and the green tomatoes were starting to change color, so I froze the ripened ones and I thought that maybe a few extra days would be ok for them to ripen, but I was wrong!  A few of larger tomatoes must have ripened and rotted very fast, so when I got home and picked up the bag, it totally bottomed out and my tomatoes splatted everywhere!  It was a great learning lesson that it probably only takes 2-3 days for the tomatoes to ripen in the paper bag and not to leave them any longer. 

I only lost a few tomatoes because most of them were big roma tomatoes, so they are thicker, but it sure was a mess to clean up!  I guess it is better than having frozen tomatoes though!  Im just really excited to know this tip and I hope this will help you with your harvesting as well


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Have a great week!
