Hello Friend

I am often asked how I do all that I do!  Honestly, I don’t do it all because I have learned to say no, but I do have some simple tips to help me to have energy to do all the things I do get done. I should also tell you the things I don’t do-I don’t regularly get massages or my nails done and I am terrible about getting my haircut more than 3 times per year!  I rarely watch TV or movies and I make lists to shop so I only have to go every few weeks for the most part because that takes time and I don’t like to waste any time and try to be as efficient as I can!  


As we enter the holiday season, I think our energy gets depleted even faster with all the extra activities we have, so today  I want to give 6 simple ways to improve your energy every day, so don’t take these lightly even though they seem simple and you will get so much more done every day.


Go to bed at the same time every night! d love to help you.
Drink water throughout the day. 
Start a simple exercise routine at least 3-4 times/week.  I
Intermittent Fasting has given me so much more energy as well. 
Pay attention to when you have the most energy and you will maximize the amount of work you get done!
Whole food capsules every day. 

I hope that you can implement a few of these simple ways to improve your energy and I would love to hear your results!!!!!!!  Also, If you have not subscribed to my podcast, just hit the plus button and you will be able to listen every week!

Thank you so much!

Until next time friend, God Bless you!



Email -> [email protected]


Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/

Essential Oils I recommend -> https://www.mydoterra.com/monicabaker/