Hey Friend

This week’s show is a very important topic to me because we can not get our time back.  We all have the same amount of hours every week and I don’t want you to waste them.  The years go so fast and if you aren’t spending time on what you value, you might be feeling less joy than you could be.

We are all wired different and we all have our own passions, but I see so many people get into the rut of the day to day grind and miss out on what their purpose really is and that breaks my heart!  So many people are miserable, but feel like they have to work to buy all the material possessions to keep up with their neighbor!  Yes, it is important to have an income because of the amazing impact you can make on others, but are you trading time for someone else’s dream?  I have worked with so many people over the last 30 years that didn’t enjoy what they were doing, so first I want you to ask yourself to ask you if you are spending more than you make or breaking even?  That might be a spending problem-in order to live a life you vision in your dreams, you need to live below your means and stop spending money on things you don’t need-many times spending is a coping mechanism for people that makes them feel good, but that is only temporary. My second question to you is, do you love what you are doing?  If so, keep doing it!!!!!!   Most likely your top values are balanced with your time.

If not, what is stopping you from living your dream of doing what you love? Find something where your income isn’t tied to the time you put in.  Find a business where you can enjoy doing it every day, but you have flexibility to work it around your top values, so you have more balance and peace.  You can turn your passions into your work no matter what it is, you just need to start to dream again, be persistent and most likely, you will enjoy the journey and probably make alot more money in less time than a 9 to 5 job.

It doesn’t matter what age you are, you can do anything!  Many of you are not living your ideal life simply because you have to have brand name items,designer clothes, the newest phone or gadgets or fancy cars and houses, but after a while they don’t make you happy.  I remember when we bought a newer suburban and I loved it because it fit all 5 of our kids in it comfortably even with 2 carseats, but then I had to make the first payment and I am not someone that has ever liked to have debt.  I felt a burden of having that amount of debt and didn’t ever want a vehicle payment again!


I want you to have lasting JOY.  If you want to be happier, you could start by shifting from material goods into experiences!  What experiences do you like?  Write down what you value-what you TRUELY VALUE. Experiences connect us and give us lasting memories!  Do you want to travel and make memories with your family, do you want to raise your own kids with your own values and not the world’s values, do you just want to make your own schedule so someone else can’t tell you when you can and can’t take vacation?  Take back control of your life!

Email -> [email protected]

Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/

Blessing until next week!
