Hello and Welcome

For me, this is the best time of the year to declutter because I don’t have a whole lot of extra time in the other seasons here in MN.  After spending months cooped up in the house with alot of snow and below zero temperatures, you won’t find me in the house once the sun starts melting the snow in the Spring, and then we are preparing, planting, and caring for the garden and animals in the summer, and Fall is very busy here with harvesting and hunting season starting with bear the first weekend in September and then getting ready for winter, so now is the time I do more of the household projects I want to get done and it is also a time for alot of planning.


It can seem overwhelming, but if you do it in small chunks, it will seem much simpler.  Start in an area of your home that will be easier to tackle and just do 15 minutes at a time.  Take a trash bag for trash and a box for things you are going to donate and then a basket for the items that belong in a different area of the house.


Now I have done some major overhauls in the past, so I have alot less stuff and it takes much less time, but throughout the year, we do seem to accumulate extra items, so I like to go through and eliminate wherever I can~especially after Christmas.  As I am looking around my living room right now-this is an easy area to get it done quickly because we only have a few pieces of furniture, a shelf with some pictures and the only place I really need to even look it a couple end tables that have some books and newspapers in, so this room can be done within about 5 minutes.  Find a place in your home that will be an easier task so that you can feel accomplished and you will gain momentum.  The reason I like a simplified home is because it is quick to clean and I can spend more time with people I love and things I love to do instead of cleaning.  This alone should encourage you!  


Here is a list of 5 small steps you can easily do right away to begin your declutter journey.

 Take a garbage bag and pick up any garbage throughout your house and throw it away.
Pick up any dishes laying and put them in the sink or dishwasher to be washed.
Make sure  all your laundry is put away if it is clean or put in a laundry basket or your laundry room if it needs to be washed.
Clean off the kitchen counters-you will feel a difference once this is done and it feels so good!
Make sure any coats or shoes are put in a mudroom or entryway and not laying all over the house.


These are just a few places to start in bite size chunks so you can get started with your decluttering journey.  If you just start with one of these 5 steps, you will be further ahead than you were before you started!

Remember……Small steps over time can make a big difference, so don’t give up!



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