Here is a quick bonus episode!

I boiled 3 dozen eggs last night so I can make deviled eggs for Easter because we love deviled eggs even for a snack if they don’t all get eaten on Sunday and I remembered how many of my friends have trouble with getting their boiled eggs to peel easily and how long it took me to learn this simple way to make them, so here is a quick bonus episode so you can enjoy boiled eggs not only at Easter, but every day!  It is such a good snack and we always have a bowl in our fridge and you can too!


First, bring plain water to a rolling boil.


Next, lower them carefully into the boiling water and try to be as gentle as possible so they dont crack and boil.


Lastly, drain hot water off of the eggs and run cold water on them and then put a bunch of ice over them.  Let them sit and cool for at least ½ hour and then refrigerate.


Enjoy easily peeling them when you are ready!  If you have ever had trouble with eggs not peeling well, you are going to be so excited to see how simple this is and well it works!



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Happy Easter!
