On this episode you'll hear from Ty Krueger, a Board Certified Behavior Analysis, Crossfit owner and trainer, father of 3, husband and founder with his wife Hilary of Behavior Change Collective, a positive parenting coaching platform aimed at helping parents become the best version of themselves where parents come together, share ressources and gain support from this community and from both Ty and Hilary's own parenting journey.

In this episode Ty talks about how he is modelling important family values to his kids as well as prioritizing movement and physical activity. Then we dive deep into all things behavior. I had a few really big ah ha moments on how to discipline my kids and how important our perception as parents affects our children's behaviors and much more effective tools to help your children's behavior!!!

'' This is who we are, and no matter what choices you make, if you make a bad choice, that’s not who you are as a person, that’s just a behavior choice’’ Ty Krueger


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In this episode you will learn :

0-30:00 What is CrossFit? How your family can benefit from it? How to promote physical movement in kids? Modelling physical activity for our kids.

30:00 His family dynamic, His own relationship with his disabeld sister

35:00 Family lessons learned about how to be in life

39:00 Why
his path lead him to doing a Master in Applied Behavior Analysis

42:00 His
biggest lessons working as a Clinical Director and Lead Therapist in an Autism

45:00 What
is Behavior Change Collective

Setting family expectations

52:00 Changing your perception about your child’s challenging behavior

58:00 Tantrums…what’s really happening?

1:02:00 Bribery VS Reinforcement

1:03:00 The 3 R’s how this framework is helping difficult children behavior

1:08:00 What to say, what not to say

1:09:00 How much of children behavior depends on their home environment?

1:13:00 Get your Free Call today with Ty & Hilary from BCC

1:13:00 What Ty tells his kids about life !

1:15:00 Time-Outs

Connect with Ty Krueger:

Instagram @behaviorchangecollective

Instagram @tykrueger

Facebook @BehaviorChangeCollective

Ressources mentioned in this episode:

Strength Programs for kids : @thebrandxmethod or www.brandXmethod.com

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