As we finish out 2020, one of CCL’s top priorities is to build up public awareness of the solid support for the Energy Innovation Act in the public eye across the political spectrum and among members of Congress and their staff.  We encourage you to be creative and strategic in your outreach to community influencers.  After you've done research to focus your group's grasstops engagement, this training walks you through how to best highlight Energy Innovation Act support from local community leaders on both sides of the aisle and provides specific examples of other CCL groups' success stories.

Skip ahead to the following section(s): 
Why Now? Why Grasstops? (2:25)
Who To Reconnect With? (4:51)
Public & Private Statement Formats (8:43)
Endorsers in Lobby Meetings (22:43)
Getting Creative (Mayors & Town Halls) (31:14)

Presentation Slides:

CCL Community Training Page: