In this month’s episode of Citizens Climate Radio, Eileen Flanagan, a writer, social change teacher, Quaker, and activist, dives deep with host Peterson Toscano into four different roles people have traditionally taken in change movements. In addition, Erica Valdez and Horace Mo join Peterson for a vibrant discussion about their personal experiences in taking one of these roles. 

See our complete show notes including links to guests, a full transcript, and possible action steps you can take. Visit

Finding Your Role 

In Eileen Flanagan’s words, the four recurring roles in change movements include rebels, advocates, organizers, and helpers. One of the best ways to understand these four roles is through their different orientations. Eileen says, “The helpers’ orientation is: what can I do to improve things without messing with the system?” She mentions climate change helpers who take the initiative to help insulate houses or help put solar panels on a neighbor’s roof. A helper also prepares food for events, provides rides for volunteer lobbyists, and donates money to a climate organization.  

Elieen further explains, “An advocate takes the role of trying to use the tools of the system to change things.” Advocates often capitalize on lobbying and lawsuits to convince elected officials and people in power to make decisions. 

Good News Story

Horace Mo in Chongqing shares a good news story about China’s new carbon trading regulations.

If you have a good news story to share, email radio @ or leave a message at our visiting voicemail line: (619) 512-9646‬

Nerd Corner

Citizens’ Climate’s Research Coordinator Dana Nuccitelli discusses the geeky world of permitting reform. Dana highlights climate research (and makes it understandable) for fellow nerds and the nerd curious! Visit The Nerd Corner to see the Chart of the Week, regular blog posts, and an active forum to connect with other nerds. 

Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich