One of the virtues of carbon pricing is that it will spur technological innovation. What kind of innovation? For a glimpse of that potential, we turn this month to Allie Kelly, Executive Director of The Ray, a nonprofit that is reimagining our roadways to be greener and safer. The Ray is working on a living highway test bed to develop ways to capture solar energy, charge electric vehicles and provide a drive-through tire safety station. Allie has over 15 years of experience working in public policy, including founding Georgia Watch in Atlanta, Georgia’s only consumer watchdog organization.

Skip ahead to the following section(s):
(0:00) Welcome
(2:27) Allie's Presentation
(21:45) Q&A Discussion
(30:59) July Updates & Actions

The Ray:

Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/LinkedIn: @TheRayHighway

Email: [email protected]

CCL's July Action Sheet:

July Pre Call Video:

Conservative Climate Caucus

Americans for Action on Climate Fund website at 

Carbon Pricing Ad: Let's Get Back to Work America: 

Fareed Zakaria's GPS Segment: 

Twitter Mentions