Citizen’s Guide To The Supernormal Episode 25 – The Warminster Thing: Aliens, Bangers, and Hitachi hums
Welcome back to the Citizen’s Guide Blog! This was supposed to be a Christmas episode but I had a sort of crazy couple of weeks that resulted in my lazy ass getting a job so unfortunately, I had to put this episode on the back burner. However, here we are, better late than never.
This Episode is fun because we get to talk about Aliens. I love aliens because frankly, nothing makes me happier than bumpkins being terrorized by interstellar visitors. If there is one thing that perfectly encapsulates this episode and the last year in general, it’s the concept of “fake news”. This episode touches on that concept but I don’t call it “fake news” because my brain refuses to dumb itself down far enough to say that out loud. Inaccurate? Sure. Purposely sensational? Of course. Fake? There are far better words, open a thesaurus.
Anyway, this story highlights what happens when a reporter adjusts a story to fit their preconceived narrative. While many people in the US believe that the news has never been more biased and blatantly inaccurate, a quick browse into US History will highlight many examples of sensational, partly or entirely false new stories. In fact, William Randolph Hurst’s media empire basically started the Spanish American War. Don’t take my word for it, it’s worth a google. The point I’m trying to make is that if you’re reading this, you’re probably pretty smart. Don’t let either side fool you. Don’t take the news at its word. Dig deeper, choose multiple sources, and give yourself a good composite. Every source has an audience that they write for, if you know their audience you can predict the bias and trim the fat from the facts. I’m gonna get off my soap box now. I hope you enjoy this episode and have a happy and healthy New Year!