Citizen’s Guide to the Supernormal – EP 26
False Flags: Torpedoes, Exploding Toilets, and Scary Weather
Welcome back to the CGS Blog. We took a little hiatus after the new year because I started a new job and a new semester at school. Sorry for the delay and thank you for coming back. This episode covers a topic near and dear to my heart. False Flag is a term used all too often these days. Our friends over at Infowars would have you believe that the US government is somehow capable of killing people without repercussions but after listening to our past failures I think you’ll find that it’s highly unlikely that 9/11 was a inside job when we couldn’t even attempt to kill Castro without our drooling, lazy asses finding out about it.
I get it. It’s comforting to think that the US Government is somehow capable of carrying out nefarious acts of domestic terrorism instead of being the incessantly incompetent mountain of red tape and inanity that they actually are. It is better to assume we faked the moon landing than to admit that we sent three guys to land on a close celestial body with no confidence that those guys would come back as anything other than an overcooked flambe. Better that they killed Kennedy than to have no idea how a meek little dipshit could pick him off from the window of a book dump in Texas. Better to have FEMA camps than a collection of poorly built training bases on underfunded National Guard Bases. Well, I got bad news for you, fam, our Government is chock full of morons and dipshits. We can’t even come up with a coherent tax code let alone a simple plan for world domination. This episode should ease your fears of a deep state conspiracy. We don’t seem capable of making a deep-dish pizza without fucking it up but you do you, Q-Anon.
Hugs and Kisses,