Sup Neighbors. Sorry the Super Bowl was this weekend and I prioritized watching it and getting drunk over editing the end of this MASSIVE episode. Dude I think this might be our longest yet. And I cut stuff out.  Kobe Bryant hangs out at a bagel place in Stonehill College and does a Chinee Handkerchief while banging Charo wrapped in a giant human sized tortilla and every time he enters her she says "burritoburritoburrito."  Scott gets fisted by his cat before schooling everyone on both the war in Iraq and how welfare has a dysgenic affect on black America. Also he gets on his soap box TOO MANY times to talk about how bullshit it is that black guys get tossed in jail for shit he does every day. We also review "Boyz N The Hood" (1991). Be gay to yourselves.....and each other.



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