Back from the Poconos and Wedding Palooza we find ourselves at El Toro in Hudson, NH with the newlyweds, who just happened to be in the area. Early in the week Nurse Rick ran into Michael Granito, the Micallef Cigar North East Rep, and Michael joins us before heading back to Long Island. We learn …

Back from the Poconos and Wedding Palooza we find ourselves at El Toro in Hudson, NH with the newlyweds, who just happened to be in the area. Early in the week Nurse Rick ran into Michael Granito, the Micallef Cigar North East Rep, and Michael joins us before heading back to Long Island. We learn about the Micallef Cigars back story. There’s a full house this week and it all goes off the rails with the mail bag. The Hidden Herf get a great rating. There are plenty of laughs, lounge reviews, and cigar talk.

Local Spotlight – Regency Cigar Emporium; East Greenwich, RI

Controversy Corner – Inflation and the National Minimum Wage