Just so you know, we really are intentional with our guests on this podcast and want to invite guests who can bring value to you listeners who we know are leaders in the church, serving your congregations faithfully and looking to grow in your own leadership journey. 


So when I found Strahan Coleman and discovered some of his resources he had surrounding prayer, I immediately felt it would bring value to our listeners. 


I had such a great time getting to know Strahan and hope you’ll find this episode and our conversation encouraging for your own heart, but also give you some helpful insight as you lead the people in your churches. 


If you’d like to pick up Beholding, which I highly recommend you do, you can head to the links in the show notes to pick up a copy for yourself. You will not regret having this as a staple on your shelf.


And don’t forget to pick up Strahan’s other prayer books as well by visiting commoner’scommunion.com


If you’re interested in having our team come alongside you like we did with Shannon, you can apply to join worship ministry school today at worshipministryschool.com/apply


Don’t forget to subscribe to the show so you don’t miss out on the great conversations and interviews we’ve got coming your way. 


For more tools to grow you and grow your ministry you can head to churchfront.com


