While in New York City this week, we visit Magnolia Bakery, which is credited with starting the current national cupcake craze. We ask a few customers about this food phenomenon and analyze this establishment's long-term word of mouth. Click to...

While in New York City this week, we visit Magnolia Bakery, which is credited with starting the current national cupcake craze. We ask a few customers about this food phenomenon and analyze this establishment's long-term word of mouth.

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My Odeo Channel (odeo/679ae069529483bd)

Show length: 10:49

Show topics
1:00 - Cupcake bakeries in Chicago and New York
2:38 - Interviews with international visitors to Magnolia Bakery in NYC
4:44 - What makes Magnolia Bakery remarkable
9:27 - New podcast feed

Cupcakes bakery in Chicago,
Magnolia Bakery in NYC
Cupcakes bakery in Vancouver
Magnolia Bakery cookbook
Sprinkles Cupcakes in Beverly Hills
Sex and the City
The Big Moo
New York Times review of Magnolia and other NY cupcake bakeries

Show music:
Intro/close: "G.L.S." by Salme Dahlstrom
Break 1: Sweet Blossom" by Robin Stine
Break 2: "Baja Taxi" by Brain Buckit 

Podcast hosting provided by Conference Calls Unlimited