Today's podcast is a stop on the Business Blog Book Tour for Seth Godin's new book, All Marketers are Liars: The Power of Telling Authentic Stories in a Low-Trust World. Show topics 1. Interview with Seth Godin about his new...

Today's podcast is a stop on the Business Blog Book Tour for Seth Godin's new book, All Marketers are Liars: The Power of Telling Authentic Stories in a Low-Trust World.

Show topics
1.  Interview with Seth Godin about his new book, All Marketers are Liars
2.  How customer evangelists defend you in the light of bad reviews

To listen now, click on the podcast icon below.

Show notes
Links to people, companies, articles, blogs, etc. mentioned in the podcast:

* All Marketers are Liars and companion blog
* Carnegie Deli
* Soup guy on Seinfeld
* Sripraphai Thai Restaurant
* Manolo Blahnik shoes
* Tom Ford
* Dove body wash on the Apprentice
* Publishers Weekly review of All Marketers are Liars
* Publishers Weekly's comments on Seth's other books
* Technorati search for All Marketers are Liars
* Jack Covert
* Joi Ito
* Ben's iPod blog post (read the comments too)
* Jason Calcanis
* Apple 12" Powerbook
* GM pulls advertising from LA Times
* GM Fastlane blog post on LA Times controversy
* Butler Eagle
* GM's financial problems
* GM vice-chairman Bob Lutz blogs about GM's turn-around strategy

Show music
Intro/close: "G.L.S." by Salme Dahlstrom
Break:  "Funked" by Ernie Lake and Scott P. Schreer 

Show length

Interview segment recording provided by Conference Calls Unlimited

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