Slimfast teaches us how to save a choking dog. *Does everyone have a "court stuit"? Does it still fit? *If someone is attracted to you, there's now a way to find out for sure without asking. *Doomscrolling! *Julia is worried that her boyfriend is gonna to sleep walk one night and hurt her. *Which one of us is most likely to be kidnapped? *Cam Newton has a lot more patience than the rest of us. *Guy wins $60k at the casino and later gets show in his hotel room by some would-be thieves. *A CNN anchor is in trouble for assuming that Tiger Woods was high when he crashed. *That's all folks! See you tomorrow! -Everybody Wang Chung!!!

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Slimfast teaches us how to save a choking dog. *Does everyone have a "court stuit"? Does it still fit? *If someone is attracted to you, there's now a way to find out for sure without asking. *Doomscrolling! *Julia is worried that her boyfriend is gonna to sleep walk one night and hurt her. *Which one of us is most likely to be kidnapped? *Cam Newton has a lot more patience than the rest of us. *Guy wins $60k at the casino and later gets show in his hotel room by some would-be thieves. *A CNN anchor is in trouble for assuming that Tiger Woods was high when he crashed. *That's all folks! See you tomorrow! -Everybody Wang Chung!!!

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