It's Friday! Do you know what that means?? That's right, it's the weekend. I always knew you were smart. You knew all your shapes and colors before any of the other kids in class. Anyway, do you get excited about the weekend or did that go away after high school? Well we're gonna tell you how to Make Your Weekends Great Again! (trademark pending) (or is it a copyright? whatever, it's pending) If you're still not excited, maybe it's time to talk to a doctor. We discuss that as well. *Headlines! Lots going on in the news but I think you're gonna learn something new today. We sure did. Did you know that grease thefts are on the rise? Yeah. Grease thefts. They've gotten so bad that some cities now have "Grease Police". How awesome would that show be? The main detective is an expert about grease and at tracking grease thieves. She and her partner can only eat at certain fast food joints because the grease cop is real fussy about her French fries. I'd watch that. *NFL playoffs this weekend and Nick Wright is on the show to give us all the scoops and let you in on his bet of the week. Thanks for hanging out today. Don't worry about the tab, this round is on us. You can buy next week. Have a great weekend. Call your mom and dad. They miss you. -Everybody Wang Chung!

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It's Friday! Do you know what that means?? That's right, it's the weekend. I always knew you were smart. You knew all your shapes and colors before any of the other kids in class. Anyway, do you get excited about the weekend or did that go away after high school? Well we're gonna tell you how to Make Your Weekends Great Again! (trademark pending) (or is it a copyright? whatever, it's pending) If you're still not excited, maybe it's time to talk to a doctor. We discuss that as well. *Headlines! Lots going on in the news but I think you're gonna learn something new today. We sure did. Did you know that grease thefts are on the rise? Yeah. Grease thefts. They've gotten so bad that some cities now have "Grease Police". How awesome would that show be? The main detective is an expert about grease and at tracking grease thieves. She and her partner can only eat at certain fast food joints because the grease cop is real fussy about her French fries. I'd watch that. *NFL playoffs this weekend and Nick Wright is on the show to give us all the scoops and let you in on his bet of the week. Thanks for hanging out today. Don't worry about the tab, this round is on us. You can buy next week. Have a great weekend. Call your mom and dad. They miss you. -Everybody Wang Chung!

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