Have you ever wanted to pray but couldn't find the words to express how you were feeling? Scripture tells us we should take everything to God. All of our emotions. All of our fears. Everything. And yet it is not always easy to put what we are experiencing into words, especially words we [...]

Elizabeth Moore, Audrey Elledge, and I got together to discuss the importance of liturgical prayers in a time where liturgies and rituals seem outdated and irrelevant. 

Liturgical prayers can provide us with the words to express our emotions when we can’t find them on our own. They are prefabricated words we can resonate with on a deeper level. So much so they become our own prayers as we read and recite them. They unlock the door of our deep longing for God. They nourish our souls. And repeating them helps form us into persons whose affections are on Jesus. 

Their latest book, Liturgies of Hope, is meant to bring us into an encounter with God. Join us as we discuss it.
Highlights from Episode:

Pray earnestly about your emotions
Embrace the mystery of faith
Develop a deeper relationship with God

 Resources Mentioned: 

Connect with Audrey Elledge on LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook.
Connect with Elizabeth Moore on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter
Check out Elizabeth and Audrey’s new book, Liturgies of Hope
You can visit Elizabeth’s website here: Elizabeth Moore

CLICK HERE for full Show Notes!The post #404 – Elizabeth Moore and Audrey Elledge – The Power of Liturgy first appeared on Chrystal Evans Hurst.

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