Today, I want to talk about what it means to be free - like really free.  To me, personal freedom is having the ability and privilege to live in integrity with myself.  What does that mean in short form?  That I am free to be me - to be the me that the [...]

What comes to mind when you hear the word “freedom?”  Do you think about spiritual freedom?  Financial freedom?  Maybe, relational freedom?  Or perhaps, you think about being freed from an addiction or circumstance.  There are so many different types of freedom and so many different things that we long to be set free from.  But, as the saying goes, freedom is never really free.  In our pursuit of it, there will be a cost.  After all, personal freedom does require some level of personal responsibility.  So, we’re diving in head first on today’s episode to talk about three specific areas that I believe are required of us in order for us to experience what it is to live in freedom.  I hope that you will join me.
Highlights from Today's Episode

Freedom will require sacrifice from you.
Freedom will require honesty by you.
Freedom will require action of you.

CLICK HERE for full Show Notes!The post #356 – Free Girl Summer first appeared on Chrystal Evans Hurst.