Are you wrestling with grief and anger? Have the consequences of how those emotions have influenced your actions? Have feelings of unworthiness prevented you from going after what you’ve been called to do? Do you find yourself struggling to live out your calling and follow your passions? Whether or not you’re dealing with [...]

Are you wrestling with grief and anger? Have the consequences of how those emotions have influenced your actions? Have feelings of unworthiness prevented you from going after what you’ve been called to do? Do you find yourself struggling to live out your calling and follow your passions?

Whether or not you’re dealing with feelings of grief, anger, or unworthiness, odds are these are all too familiar emotions we all feel at some point in life. In this podcast, Sophie Hudson and I discuss pushing through anger and grief, addressing feelings of unworthiness head-on, and naming the thing you’re called to do so that you can go after it.

Sophie points out how anger and all of its inconveniences are often cover-ups for sadness and grief. Taking time to examine our hearts and minds and not allowing anger or sadness to simmer are keys to pushing through those emotions. She reminds us that we have to lean into what we’re feeling because ignoring rage and grief will lead to them having their way with us. Remember, we have to go through our anger and grief, not around it.

Y’all know I love to talk community – how to find it, build it, and keep it. In this conversation, Sophie talks about how she discovered community after moving to a new city where she knew no one. And in that community that she fostered, she also found tremendous encouragement in helping her walk through the process of dealing with sadness, grief, and anger. As much as Sophie’s community has supported her, community is not a one-way street. She also highlights that to find the community we are designed to have, we have to be open, broaden our perspectives to the potential communities around us, and support those around us.

Even Sophie took the time to name the thing she was gifted to do. For her, it’s writing. However, she didn’t consider herself a writer for years until she expanded her writing style from the traditional style of fictitious stories with made up characters to her style of writing with personal narratives that tell real stories about everyday life. Sophie is a writer. And you, my friend, are also exactly who God called you to be, doing what God gifted you to do, even in the days or maybe years when you don’t see it for yourself.

In Sophie’s latest book, Stand All the Way Up: Stories of Staying In It When You Want to Burn It All Down, she writes about figuring out how the Lord teaches us to stand in our moments of change, transition, and even divisiveness. Girls, it’s time for us to stand – all the way up! That’s true for us in facing our grief and anger, becoming part of communities, and naming and living out our gifts. Remember, you are worthy.

Highlights from Today’s Episode:

Leaning into anger and grief
Doing your part in community
Overcoming feelings of unworthiness
Operating in your gifts

Resources from today’s show 

Connect with Sophie on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and her website.
Purchase Sophie’s latest book, Stand All the Way Up: Stories of Staying In It When You Want to Burn It All Down.

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Acknowledging what it is, admitting that we’re fearful, and doing the thing anyway, that’s where we gain power. – Chrystal Evans Hurst
Community – multiple levels, multi age, multi-generational – is the way to go. – Chrystal Evans Hurst
God made us with great intention and He loves us with an everlasting love. – Sophie Hudson
We feel disqualified but it’s the Lord’s work in the broken places that absolutely qualifies us. – Sophie Hudson
To operate in the fullness of your gifts is a beautiful, wonderful site to behold. – Sophie Hudson
Remember your worth that you have in and through Jesus, and go get it. – Sophie Hudson

Other Stuff to Check Out

Did you catch my last episode with Deborah Smith Pegues? Listen here.

Check out my new book! The 28-Day Prayer Journey

Need to encourage your soul? Try listening to the playlist I put together for my mom, Lady Lois’ Worship

Interested in supporting the content I create and enjoying bonus content? Learn about joining my Inner Circle!

My book, Be sure and also check out my other books She’s Still ThereShow Up For Your LifeKingdom Woman!

Let’s Talk!

What strategies do you use to keep your grief and anger from hurting others?
How do you support others in your communities who are dealing with situations in areas outside of your lane and comfort zone?
Do you struggle with feelings of unworthiness? How are you strategizing to overcome those feelings?

Connect with me…









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You have been so great to join me on the journey here on the blog, I hope you jump right in and do the same on the podcast!

The post #277 – Dealing with the Hard Stuff first appeared on Chrystal Evans Hurst.

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