Having a woman’s influence or female leadership in a company proves to have many benefits. The company does well bottomline, employees are more engaged, and the market value is higher. In spite of these trends, studies show that it will be 200 years before women achieve gender parity. As women, we are going [...]

Having a woman’s influence or female leadership in a company proves to have many benefits. The company does well bottomline, employees are more engaged, and the market value is higher. In spite of these trends, studies show that it will be 200 years before women achieve gender parity. As women, we are going to have to get in there and learn to lead better.

Second Samuel 20:16-22 tells the story of a woman known as the wise woman of the city. In this story, Joab traveled from city to city searching for a trouble maker, Sheba, son of Bikri. When Joab arrived in Israel, he caused such an uproar looking for Sheba. No one stepped in to investigate the commotion until the wise woman called for Joab to come to her. When he came to her, she asked him why he was trying to destroy her city. Joab responded, telling her what his plan was. He agreed that if they were to hand Sheba over to him, he would withdraw his hand. She advised that she would do him one better and have him cut off and thrown to them over the wall. And she did just what she said.

It wasn’t until this wise woman stepped up and confronted Joab that her city was saved from his hand of destruction. If one woman could step up and save her city, what do you have the power to do?

In this podcast, I talk to Deborah Smith Pegues, a woman full of knowledge. In her latest book, Lead Like A Woman, her desire is to give women an opportunity to lead. Mrs. Deborah also wants women to know that they already have the things they need to excel and that they may be doing some things to sabotage their potential.

She offers practical advice on shifting your mindset to get to the next. It starts with your belief system because all behaviors come out of belief. As a Christian, the Word of God shapes your beliefs. You have to believe. Life is like a stool; there’s a base and four legs that are physical, relational, emotional, and financial and the base is our belief. When you pursue God’s priority, you get God’s results.

Sometimes your expectations are external; however, there are times when they are internal. We teach people how to expect from us and treat us by what we tolerate and what we allow. Set boundaries. You have to know what you can do and what you can’t do. You have to communicate. You cannot fail but only learn.

I strongly encourage you to listen to this episode, Deborah Smith Pegues, shares many more gems throughout the entire podcast. Grab a pen and notebook and get ready to dive right in.

Highlights from Today’s Episode:

Leading without permission 
Auditing your beliefs 
Setting boundaries
Pursuing God’s priorities 
Investing in your development 

Resources from today’s show 

Connect with Deborah on her website: https://deborahpegues.com Instagram: @Deborahsmithpegues, Facebook: @DeborahSimthPegues, Youtube: Deborah Smith Pegues
Lead Like A Woman by Deborah Smith Pegues

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All behavior comes out of beliefs. – Deborah Smith Pegues
The faith realm says I’m going to believe what God says. – Deborah Smith Pegues 
If you’re not investing in growing, then don’t be frustrated when you don’t see growth or change. – Chrystal Evans Hurst
When you pursue God’s priorities, you get God’s results. – Deborah Smith Pegues 
A lot of the women that are struggling are waiting for someone to say that it is okay for them to lead, but instead, be okay with bringing all of you to the table. – Chrystal Evans Hurst 

Other Stuff to Check Out

Did you catch my last episode with Trudy Cathy White? Listen here.

Check out my new book! The 28-Day Prayer Journey

Need to encourage your soul? Try listening to the playlist I put together for my mom, Lady Lois’ Worship

Interested in supporting the content I create and enjoying bonus content? Learn about joining my Inner Circle!

My book, Be sure and also check out my other books She’s Still ThereShow Up For Your LifeKingdom Woman!

Let’s Talk!

How do you define femininity?
Are you successful at balancing your time? Why or why not?
How do you ensure you are pursuing God’s priority for your life?

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The post #276 – Leading Like a Woman first appeared on Chrystal Evans Hurst.

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