Life is change but that doesn’t mean that change is easy. What do you do when the relationship, the job, or the thing you’ve been diligently building towards suddenly gets pulled right out from under your feet? It’s only natural that when we invest in people and places, we become emotionally attached to them. There’s [...]

Life is change but that doesn’t mean that change is easy. What do you do when the relationship, the job, or the thing you’ve been diligently building towards suddenly gets pulled right out from under your feet? It’s only natural that when we invest in people and places, we become emotionally attached to them. There’s nothing wrong with that. The problem is, loss is an unavoidable part of life. So how do you move forward when a relationship is severed or when you are forced to accept and cope with a change you never wanted to occur?

My guest on this episode is Elisabeth Hasselbeck. Elisabeth is a mom and the wife of former NFL quarterback and current ESPN analyst Tim Hasselbeck. You may know Elisabeth from her role on the TV Show Survivor, FOX & Friends, or The View.


In 2013, after sharing a decade of her time with The View, Elizabeth was told that her contract would not be renewed. Forced to walk away from something she loved dearly, she struggled for years with feelings of betrayal and bitterness. But God never left her side, and over time, He helped her to develop the point of view that He wanted her to live with.

Shifting from a rigorous schedule on broadcast TV to sitting on bleachers at baseball games forced Elisabeth to slow down enough to hear God’s voice in a way she couldn’t before. In changing Elisabeth’s view, God placed words on her heart that He intended for her to share with others.  It was in the slowest, most difficult season of Elisabeth’s life that her newest book, Point of View: A Fresh Look at Work, Faith, and Freedom, would be written.

Change and transitions can be hard, particularly when they are unexpected and there’s no clear way for us to understand them. But if we are willing to give God our “yes,” even when He catches us off guard, He will use every bit of change for our good. While we may not understand the shift at the moment, if we’d just sit with Him for a while, He will not only comfort through the pain we are feeling, but He will also give us a fresh perspective so that we can begin to see things from His point of view. It is unbelievably powerful when we decide to trust in God instead of relying on our own understanding of things (Prov. 3:5).

Highlights from Today’s Episode:Navigating sudden, difficult transitions Untangling yourself from your emotions Adjusting your point of view Saying “yes” to God Click to Tweet “God has named me, and He gets to define me.” – Elisabeth Hasselbeck “Don’t continue to read and recite lines about you that aren’t true.” – Elisabeth Hasselbeck“You are not defined by your worst mistake.” – Elisabeth Hasselbeck Resources From Today’s Show Connect with Elisabeth on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or on her websitePick up a copy of Point of View by Elisabeth Hasselbeck  Other Stuff to Check OutGrab my latest books She’s Still There, Show Up For Your Life28 Days of Prayer, or Kingdom Woman!Did you miss Episode 220 with Christine Caine?! Click here to listen!Get a chance to read my post about My Summer Hair Situation?Interested in supporting the content I create?  Learn about becoming a co-producer!Want to subscribe to the blog and grab a freebie? CLICK HERELet’s Talk!

After you’ve listened to the podcast, I’d love to continue the conversation. Be sure and leave a comment!

Are you going through a difficult change or transition right now? What’s helping you get through it? Please share in the comments below.What’s standing in the way of you saying “yes” to God? What adjustment do you need to make so that you can tell God “yes”? Write down all the negative lies you are believing about yourself, and then recite the truth of God’s Word to shoot down each lie one by one. Connect with me…









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The post #221- A Fresh Point of View first appeared on Chrystal Evans Hurst.

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