When is the last time you felt like throwing in the towel? You’ve likely felt that way at least a few times in life, and you might even feel that way right now. If you are familiar with my guest, Christine Caine, you may be surprised to hear that she recently went through an extended [...]

When is the last time you felt like throwing in the towel? You’ve likely felt that way at least a few times in life, and you might even feel that way right now.

If you are familiar with my guest, Christine Caine, you may be surprised to hear that she recently went through an extended period of struggling to stay in the fight.

None of us are immune to struggle. If we are honest, there have been times when we have questioned if this walk we’re on with Jesus is really worth it, because it didn’t seem to be doing us much good. I know there certainly have been days when I have just wanted to throw my hands up and call it quits. I’m sure there have been days like that for you too—days where you would rather run for cover than stand your ground because you’re tired of being hurt.

Christine is now a fiery author, speaker, wife, and mom, but early on in life, she had to overcome heartbreaking experiences that could have easily left her paralyzed. Unnamed and unwanted at birth, she was abandoned before her life even began. As a young girl, she was sexually abused. Feelings of shame and brokenness have plagued her entire life, but she has never let them defeat her. As someone who has fought through so much, Christine couldn’t have imagined that years later she would find herself wanting to wave the white flag. Being on the front lines with her ministry has made her experience feelings of frustration like never before, and it sent her into an ongoing wrestling match with God.

Maybe you’re in a season like that right now—a season where you just don’t know if you want to keep going. Or maybe you know someone who is, and you’re desperately praying that he or she chooses to stay in the fight. It is my earnest hope that Christine’s rawness and transparency will encourage you or your loved one to keep pressing forward. Because the hard truth is that even throwing in the towel won’t stop the fight. We live in a broken, sinful world where terrible things happen, even, if not especially, to those who love and follow God. And you don’t want to face it without Him by your side.

So regardless of how hard things are right now, keep going to God. Keep showing up, and keep crying out. Stay on the front lines and be willing to take the hits, knowing that “this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison” (2 Cor. 4:17, ESV). Don’t settle for less than God’s plan for you. The same God who named and called you will bring you from darkness into the light.

Highlights from Today’s Episode:Sustaining your fire for God Staying in the fight Dealing with sin and shame Living out your faith  Click to Tweet “What changed me was feeling seen, known, loved, and—most of all—forgiven.” – Christine CaineThe gospel is not making bad people good, it’s making dead people alive.”– Christine Caine. “No matter how anxious, confused, or frustrated you feel, never stop going to God.” – Christine Caine Resources From Today’s Show Connect with Christine on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or on her website Pick up a copy of Christine’s recently re-released book, Undaunted: Daring to Do What God Calls You to Do. Also check out Unshakeable, Unstoppable, Unexpected, and Unashamed. Download a free copy of the Undaunted devotionalRead the book of PsalmsRead the book of Hebrews Other Stuff to Check OutGrab my latest books She’s Still There, Show Up For Your Life28 Days of Prayer, or Kingdom Woman!Did you miss Episode 219 with Jennifer Fulwiler?! Click here to listen!Get a chance to read my post about My Summer Hair Situation?Interested in supporting the content I create?  Learn about becoming a co-producer!Want to subscribe to the blog and grab a freebie? CLICK HERELet’s Talk!

After you’ve listened to the podcast, I’d love to continue the conversation. Be sure and leave a comment!

How do you sustain your fire for God? How do you rekindle it when it seems to have gone out?What is breaking you down, making you feel empty and defeated? Have you talked to God about it? Who do you know that is struggling to stay in the fight? How can you encourage them today? Connect with me…









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You have been so great to join me on the journey here on the blog, I hope you jump right in and do the same on the podcast!

The post #220- Fighting For Your Faith first appeared on Chrystal Evans Hurst.

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