My guest this episode is Madeline Cary Davidson who shares her experiences not only with rheumatoid arthritis but also what it's like to go through pregnancy and be a parent while having a chronic illness.
In this episode we talk about:

Madeline's rheumatoid arthritis journeypregnancy and parenting with chronic illnessfinding a career that fits for you with your illness

Guest Bio:
(As written by Madeline):
Hi everyone! My name is Madeline Cary Davidson, a young mother of two baby boys that has struggled with severe autoimmune disease since the age of 18 years old. My dream is to work in the field of fashion design while using my platform to help spread awareness about autoimmune disease, the challenges we Spoonies face on a regular basis and capitalize on the help that we so desperately need from modern science and technology. My goal is to encourage/motivate my fellow peers within our community to keep fighting and never give up. There is hope. The more united we are, the closer we are to healthier solutions to our ailments. <3
Follow Madeline on YouTube, Snapchat, Facebook, and Instagram @madelinecary, and on TikTok @madelinecarydavidson.