On today’s episode of Legends and Losers Unlocked, Christopher Lochhead tackles another topic that has been on his mind of late. Entrepreneur and Tesla founder Elon Musk has received a lot of negative press recently. Christopher proceeds to break down what the press doesn’t get.
“These geniuses, these people who take big risks are by definition unique, by definition strange. They are doing things that are exponential, not incremental.” - Christopher Lochhead on Elon Musk

The Controversial Elon Musk
Lately, Elon Musk has done some things that are a little bit unusual. These include tweeting a lot about taking Tesla private and claims about the rescue of the boys in a cave in Thailand that got people upset. Not to mention the piping hot issue of his smoking weed and drinking scotch when he guested on a podcast.

These concerning issues have raised a couple of eyebrows, but the press has only managed to skim the surface.
Mega Outlier in a World of Outliers
Elon spends his whole life going too far to find out how far he can go. And this is what the mainstream media doesn’t get. The entrepreneur creates electric cars and spaceships and wants to put tunnels under Los Angeles, and all these scream wacky.

Of course not everything that he does should be condoned. But Elon isn’t a button-down CEO. He is someone who exponentially moves the world forward, not incrementally running a company to squeeze out an extra penny of earnings next quarter.
Every Legend Gets Criticized
We must also note that legendary creators and innovators always get criticized in one way or another. One day people said Thomas Edison was a fake and a killer. They didn't spare Benjamin Franklin and Steve Jobs.

Nobody is perfect. But these geniuses are, by definition, different.


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We hope you enjoyed Elon Musk What The Mainstream Business Press Doesn't Get! Christopher loves hearing from his listeners. Feel free to email him, connect on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and subscribe on iTunes!