In this first episode of Questions and Cocktails 1, Christopher Lochhead answers questions from his legendary listeners. People from different walks of life send in their emails, and Christopher dishes out some unfiltered pieces of advice.

“Like in anything, most people quit. And if you wanna be successful, you gotta stick to it.” - Christopher Lochhead on staying true to your podcast's brand

Young Professionals in an Aging World
Aaron, a Doctorate of Pharmacy and MBA student shares how listening to a tech industry podcast has offered him a different perspective of his own niche. Bloated with inefficiencies, his industry has seen zero progress in innovations. In a field where earning tenure means respect, he and other young professionals struggle to be taken seriously.

How can young professionals with an entrepreneurial spirit gather the respect to have the real conversations and cause change in an industry run by older people?

"Don't let anyone stop you from bringing your ideas forward. There are some older people in business who do stay curious. They are open, they will be your allies." - Christopher Lochhead
Starting a Podcast
An anonymous listener who once heard Christopher guest in Jordan Harbinger’s show seeks advice on how to start their own podcast. After years of being a chef and handling different food establishments and services, they are now ready to express themselves in some other way. They hope to bring more light to what they do beyond glorified social media posts on success.

Christopher gives a couple of tips on how to launch a successful podcast. He suggests getting a producer and editor to deal with the technical aspect of podcasting and building a brand that reflects both the personality of the host and their vision.

To learn more from Christopher in this edition of Questions and Cocktails 1, listen to the episode now!

We hope you enjoyed Questions and Cocktails 1.  Remember, Christopher loves hearing from his listeners. Feel free to email him, connect on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and subscribe to Legends and Losers on iTunes!