Are you somebody who loves independent podcasts? Today Christopher Lochhead shares an urgent news that can change the independent podcasting industry as we know it. Independent podcasters need your help to combat the government funded attack on podcasts.

"In part because of our government, independent podcasting just got harder." - Christopher Lochhead

A Devastating News
An article from Wall Street Journal dated August 15 brought about the news that Public Radio International (PRI) and Boston-based Public Radio Exchange (PRX) are in a bid to capitalize on the growing popularity of podcasts. This can incapacitate independent podcasters to a high degree.

The US government funds the creation of podcasts by PRI as well as those of public radio stations all over the country. Taxes paid by the citizens go to public radio and have been going to public radio podcasts for a long time now. With the merger of PRI and PRX, they will be even more capable of outdoing independent podcasters by raising the competition bar even higher against these independent shows.

Independent Podcasting at a Huge Disadvantage
The new enterprise will have its headquarters at Boston, potentially reaching up to five million monthly users via 585 radio stations. This figure does not include the listeners who contribute to the sixty million monthly downloads of podcasts. 

PRI hosts the number one podcast in the United States. The reinforced support from the government itself will toss the chances of success for independent podcasters into the wood chipper. Our shot at reaching a wider audience will be close to none, all thanks to this attack orchestrated by the government and affiliated media companies.

Independent Podcasters Need You
We need your help to survive through the government funded attacks on podcasts. Dropping ratings and reviews on our shows will go a long way, and this is only one of the many things you can do to support us. Help us keep the shows we built for years running, help us help you enjoy the content you love for longer.

Listen and download to the episode now to hear more!


WSJ - Public Radio Networks to Merge

State of Competition and Dynamism

Book - Niche Down