On today’s special episode, Christopher gets together with seven people from the leadership team of the Best Year Ever Blueprint event hosted by Hal Elrod and Jon Berghoff. What are their goals for 2019? And how will they overcome the things that might hold them back this year?
Accountability, Community, and Passion
Determined as she is, Stephanie knows that not all her goals for the year will be achieved. But to get there, she underlines the importance of surrounding herself with people who will hold her accountable. This comes coupled with consistency and being clear with her why and passion.
“It's the accountability, it's the community, and it's holding back to the core of the passion.” - Stephanie Courtillier on how to achieve goals
She thinks it’s easier to do something for other people than doing it for herself. Ultimately, it all boils down to the impact that she has in someone else’s life and how she transforms them.
Not About Meeting Goals
Alissa Daire Nelson talks about one of her key takeaways from Dr. Shawn Stevenson. According to Shawn, it doesn’t matter if you don’t meet your goals. It is far more important to have them.

A goal-oriented person, Alissa has grown a lot shyer of putting out her goals in fear of failing. But being part of the Best Year Ever Blueprint made her realize the things that really matter. She looks forward to recalibrating her goals for the New Year according to these.
“It matters whether I shoot high. It matters whether I have the why behind it and that I'm measuring the things that actually matter to me.” - Alissa Daire Nelson
Alignment with Oneself
Stephanie Wankel came up with a theme to make 2019 her best year. When she makes her goals, they must align with her true self Whether they’re health or career-related, goals need to resonate with her first so she can achieve them.

To hear more strategies from 7 wonderful people of the Best Year Ever Blueprint, download and listen to the episode.
Bios and Links:
Stephanie Courtillier
Founder, Integrous Women

As founder and CEO of Integrous Women, Stephanie is paving the way for the next generation of entrepreneurs. She is on a mission to inspire, educate and empower heart-centered women to create their own purpose-driven futures through a supportive, forward-thinking and compassionate community.

In parallel with helping women lead purpose-driven lives that enhance their professional and personal goals, Integrous Women seeks to take these skill-building tools to empower young women in Guatemala.

[email protected]
(949) 529-0181

Alissa Daire Nelson
Alissa Daire Nelson is regularly featured on television news segments, inside major blogs and publications, and on podcasts from all over the globe.

She's an accomplished Success Coach, Speaker, host of the Frickin' Awesome Entrepreneur podcast. She is also a published Author of the book, From Frustrated to Frickin' Awesome: 4 Steps to Achieve the Success You're Wired For.


Rachelle Niemann
Rachelle of Nourishing Worthiness is a wife, dog mom, ultra-marathoner, outdoor enthusiast, blogger, and author.

Rachelle has been a student of personal growth and dealt with debilitating anxiety for decades. Now, she wants to share what she has learned and is on a mission to inspire individuals to make the transformation from fear to self-love.


Stephanie Wankel
Founder, New Heights Investment Group 

The people at New Heights are passionate about connecting accredited investors to the very best real estate syndication opportunities in the industry. They help busy professionals learn about private investment opportunities that protect and grow your wealth effortlessly.

Reach them at: [email protected], or visit www.newheightsinvestmentgroup.com

Coming February 2019: Frenzied To Financial Freedom Podcast:
