Is there a conversation you're avoiding because you're not sure what to say?


Or maybe there are times when you're not really sure if the hard conversation needs to take place... maybe it's better to just move on and forget about it.


Perhaps you know exactly what you want to say but you're not sure how to approach the other person in a way that won't make them feel attacked.


And as a Christian woman, you want to follow Biblical principles and guidelines for resolving conflict... but your church hasn't spent much time addressing this issue.


Perhaps you know it's important to have the conversation but you want to make sure it's productive and constructive.


If you can relate to any of these situations, then I want to share with you about my new mini-course, Confident Conversations.


I created this resource for the Christian woman who would like to feel confident initiating and leading hard conversations, whether at home, work, church, or with friends and family.

In this short bonus episode, I'm sharing 2 reasons I decided to create this mini-course:

1. My personal experience with having hard conversations

2. The way we are handling conflict and hard conversations within the Christian community

Confident Conversations will help you:

Determine when hard conversations are needed Initiate the conversation Prepare for the conversation spiritually Get into the right mindset Know what to say during the conversation

If you're ready to learn how to have courageous conversations that lead to more connection and conflict resolution, head over here to learn more and grab this mini-course for yourself: