How can you develop discernment and use it in various areas of your life? And what habits can help you transform your faith? What are some practical ways you can get started developing a daily Bible habit?


As Christian women leaders, we have so much on our plates: family, co-workers/volunteers, work, and daily life. But we want to make spiritual growth a priority.


In this episode of our Faith Series, I talk with certified growth coach and Every Day Faith founder Tabitha Bigbee about developing discernment, what reading our Bible looks like in real life, and how it protects us from condemnation and fear. 


Tabitha’s Leadership Journey

Tabitha did not realize she was a leader until the past few years, but looking back, she can see how she displayed leadership traits throughout her life.


Currently she works 5 jobs, including her own business as a faith-based certified growth coach. She has a  passion for encouraging women to pursue their God-inspired adventure.


With her current role as a coach, she helps women move past challenges so that they can pursue what God has put on their hearts.



Without doing self-work, our strengths and weaknesses come into play. Growth coaching inspires unexpected break-throughs in surprising places. You may not know you’re believing a lie or limiting yourself without an outside coach. 


How Tabitha Recognized Her Leadership

Tabitha has been reticent to call herself a leader. Saying she was a leader meant that she was in charge and responsible, and she decided she wasn’t capable of this.


She’s learned about leadership by watching other women in her Bible study. She’s discovered that leadership can look like patience and grace, and not assertiveness. Leadership can look like really quiet steadfastness.


Tabitha defines leadership as: “when people are looking to you as an example, for directive, or for guidance.”


How Tabitha Learned How She’s Wired

Tabitha loves the Enneagram as a tool that has helped her grow. She identifies as type 7w8, which means when things get scary she runs. She recognized that fear was at the root of a lot of her decisions, and she also sought out stimulation when she was fearful. 


She’s learned to stop, to feel (not just think) her feelings, and know it won’t always be stressful. She memorizes Scripture that speak to her fears right now. Tabitha practices yoga and mindfulness as well.


Why We Need to Develop Discernment 

Some Christians feel that things like the Enneagram and yoga are wrong for us to use, so I asked Tabitha about this. She shared a few scriptures that have helped her think through this issue: James 1:17 and John 10:10.


She believes that all good gifts come from God. Any practice or disciplines that leads to life, light, love, fulfillment, wholeness, and fullness of God is good. Our enemy perverts what God created, but it doesn’t mean that we should get rid of these things completely.


Tabitha pointed out that this is an opportunity for us to practice discernment. (Hebrews 5:14) Ask the Holy Spirit what is right for you. 


For more on the topic of discernment, check out Episode 59 with Hillary Morgan Ferrer.


How Studying the Bible Transforms Your Faith

In 2016-2017, Tabitha experienced disappointment. She realized that her faith level was equal to her Word level. If she needed bigger faith, she needed to be in the Word everyday, which changed everything.  It took Tabitha three months to cultivate a daily Bible-reading habit.


In moments of attack, she wasn’t strong or practiced enough in discernment to recognize lies and then replace those lies with Scripture so she started memorizing Scripture. 


It was transformational to have the Holy Spirit speak to her moment-by-moment because she put in time in the Word. God gives us answers and opportunities to practice them. She must keep training so that her technique of faith will be there to hold her up. 


Why So Many of Us Struggle with Creating a Daily Bible-Reading Habit

Tabitha believes we don’t understand or value the Word of God. It’s not about self-discipline or the right habits. If we really know and believe God’s Word then when we are in it, being in His Word is its own reward. 


The reason we don’t get in God’s Word is because we live in a distraction-oriented world. It’s easier to scroll Instagram or watch Netflix.


Tools You Can Use to Establish a Daily Bible-Reading Habit Get YouVersion on your phone. Watch your “streak” grow. Set an intention, “Here’s how I’m going to change my _____.” Then allow it to happen organically. Turn your spirit toward God. Be flexible and persevere. Use the Scribe Bible Journal. Get the Every Day Faith Daily Scripture Guide.


We discuss that there’s no special formula you have to follow in order to get into God’s word. We noted that you should release yourself from the expectation of self and self-condemnation.


How Having a Bible Habit Helps in Difficult Situations

Tabitha didn’t choose to live in Big Bear, California; it’s a cold, small town, which is exactly where she didn’t want to live. Then came a shift in careers for her and her husband. During this time, she has struggled because finances are tight and she spirals into anxiety.


It’s in this season that she decided to study Scriptures about fear, lack, and abundance. Even when she doesn’t see fruit or change, she clings to the truth: God is providing.


How to Get Started with a Daily Bible Habit

Ask God to loudly show you how to get started in His Word. Reflect on your life: what were habits that have worked for you in the past in other areas?


Even within setting a habit, remember you’re in a very real battle. We are always in an epic battle with darkness.


Tabitha invites you to call things what they are then strap on the armor of God. If we’re only using our power to battle, we’ll lose. Get into Ephesians 6 and do some battle. It’s our job to fight. We are light in the darkness and we have nothing to fear. 


Connect with Tabitha Bigbee:



Every Day Faith Daily Scripture Guide

Special offer from Tabitha: Free Growth Coaching Session and a discount Growth Package when you mention this podcast.


Tabitha is a Faith Based Growth Coach and the founder of Every Day Faith, a ministry and service supporting women to establishing and growing their daily word habit in order to recognize and obey the voice of their Creator, and live their God-Inspired Adventure moment by moment!


Key Quotes from the Episode:


"Almost always, when we are leading, who we are in our strengths and weaknesses is reflected in our business."

“Frequently, we already know what needs to happen, but there is some kind of block keeping us from believing that’s what needs to happen.” - Tabitha Bigbee

"Encouragement is absolutely something that is a part of leadership."

"It’s not about rehearsing the problems, but it’s about looking to the Word and what is the solution in the Word, and rehearsing that solution."

“God is the original creator of bodies and breath, and of who we are and our personality, because he has each one of us uniquely. And the study of those things and the use of those things is good… Like anything else, the enemy has taken it and perverted it… so it’s our job to turn on our discernment.” - Tabitha Bigbee

“I was someone who knew the Word before this... But because I was not in the Word every day, I was not feeding my spirit every day.” - Tabitha Bigbee

"I was able to, in a moment, hear His voice louder than my voice. And that’s what it’s about."

“Some minutes are better than no minutes in God’s word.”

“Don’t give into the condemnation; that’s not for you.”


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