It’s hard to believe, but The Christian Woman Leadership Podcast celebrates its one year anniversary this month! Whether you’re new to the podcast or have listened since Episode 1, you’ll love this recap of the top five episodes plus our favorite episodes. 


Holly and I break down the five most-listened to episodes plus what episodes have meant the most to us. We’d love to know what episode you love too, so please share it in the comments! 


Thank you!

Thank you! In the past year, we’ve had 50,000 downloads of our podcast, which is super exciting! Thank you to everyone who has made this happen.

Thank you to all of our listeners and subscribers. We couldn’t have made it this far without you. We especially want to give a shout out to our members of our private Facebook community where we have a lot of discussions related to the podcast! We have enjoyed getting to know you so much. 


Also, thank you to those who have shared the podcast, left ratings and reviews, and especially to each of our guests who has taken the time to share her story. It has been such a blessing to talk with each of you, and your contribution has enriched our conversation about leadership as a Christian woman. 


Holly and I also want to thank our team which gets this podcast out each week. It’s truly a team effort and we could not do this on our own!

The 5 Most Listened-To Episodes Episode 1: Our Leadership Journeys Episode 17: How the Enneagram Can Help You Nurture Healthy Relationships with Beth McCord {RELATIONSHIPS SERIES} Episode 45: Developing Confidence in Your Gifts & Managing Multiple Roles with Breshana Miller Episode 30: How Your Personality Impacts How You Set and Accomplish Goals  Episode 42: Leading in Women’s Ministry, Doing What You Love, and Building a Team with Sandy Flewelling and Holly Cain 

Esther’s Favorite Episodes 

Can every episode be my favorite? Yes! But here are the three episodes that really stood out to me:


Episode 3: Surviving Loss & Embracing Leadership with Abby Rike Rockenbaugh. I loved these words Abby spoke, “When I say ‘Oh, I’m not a leader,’ I’m calling God a liar. If the things I say to myself are not truthful, I need to go to the only place I can find the truth - God’s word.” Abby also reminded us that our confidence comes from God, and it’s not wrong to acknowledge our spiritual gifts He has given us.


Episode 17: How the Enneagram Can Help You Nurture Healthy Relationships with Beth McCord {RELATIONSHIPS SERIES}. Beth reminds us that we all have longings, but only God fulfills those longings. We need to capture lies and give them back to God.


Episode 43: Creativity, Calling, and Changing Culture with Jenny Randle. This truth from Jenny is sooooo good, “If you are a believer, you have a ministry, and it’s in the everyday minutes of your life, are you glorifying and enjoying God?” I also loved how Jenny reminded us of the importance of not diminishing our voice as women, and that we have the opportunity to impact culture with our gifts.


Holly’s Favorite Episodes

Holly shared the three episodes that really resonated with her:


Episode 8: The Key to Becoming a Better Leader. Holly isn’t one for confrontation and loved the section of this episode where we talk about giving feedback. 


Episode 11: From Dream Career to Purposeful Leadership with Jenni Catron {PURPOSE SERIES}. Jenni provides us with a leadership framework that applies in every setting. What does it mean to lead well? Relational Leadership (Heart), Spiritual Leadership (Soul), Strategic Leadership (Mind), and Visionary Leadership (Strength).


Episode 42: Leading in Women’s Ministry, Doing What You Love, and Building a Team with Sandy Flewelling and Holly Cain. When we follow our gifting and strengths, it frees others up to follow and work more deeply into their gifts and strengths. Leaders who support and encourage others to serve in their gifting and to lead in their spaces, frees each one up to grow well. There is no ceiling. There is no limit.  

What Episode Do You Love? 

Holly and I would love to know which episode has impacted and resonated with you. Please share which episode is your favorite in the comments, or share with us inside our Facebook group!


Episode Sponsor: Morningstar Media Services

Morningstar Media Services is the agency that I own and run, and I help other business owners launch and manage their podcasts so that their message shines online. My group program, Podcast Propel, provides training and mentorship for those who want to launch a podcast that will help them connect with and grow their business. Go to to learn more about our products and services.


Connect with Esther and Holly: Esther’s Website Holly’s Website Instagram Facebook Group Facebook Page


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