What is it like to walk away from what you know to venture out in unknown territory? How do you step away from something secure to pursue the lifestyle that works best for your family? What are practical ways you can lead in all the areas of your life as you parent, lead a business or ministry, and run a household?

For those who are a wife, mom, homeschooler, and entrepreneur, how can you do it all? In this episode, I talk with business owner, podcaster, wife, and mom Jocelyn Sams about how she and her husband walked away from stable incomes to start a new lifestyle so they could have a flexible schedule with their children. 

  Jocelyn’s Leadership Journey:

After college, Jocelyn and her husband Shane both worked full-time and they asked each other, “Is this all there is?” After a bad experience with their daycare, they wanted to find a way to be at home and still provide income for their family.

At that time, Jocelyn was a librarian while Shane taught history and coached football. She blogged library lesson plans with the intent to sell them as a side business. She made $2,000 in her first month. 

They realized that you don’t have to work in the traditional way, so they launched Flipped Lifestyle in 2014. 

How Faith Plays a Role in Their Business

Faith played a major role in their lives when they faced quitting their jobs. This decision came with lots of prayer and trusting that God would provide. 

They also include a Bible verse on their Flipped Lifestyle podcast, which is their way to sprinkle in the truth without beating people over the head with their faith. 

  How Jocelyn Defines Leadership

For Jocelyn, leadership is having some courage to help people go from where they are to where they can go. 

Tools Jocelyn Loves to Discover How You’re Wired

She and her husband are “obsessed” with personality tests. She prefers the Myers-Briggs and the Enneagram

The Sams use the test results so they can better understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses. They also take advantage of the strengths, to support each other, and to counteract weaknesses. After years in business, they’ve also learned that they prefer working with smaller teams.


Jocelyn’s Advice for Younger Leaders

God put us all here for a purpose. Part of the point of the journey is figuring out how you can use your gifts. Pray and ask God what He wants you to do. Seek God. 

Find strong women who are doing what you want to do and see what they’re doing.

Don’t worry about what everyone else is saying to you. Find a group that supports and speaks truth into your life. 

Jocelyn’s Mentors

Jocelyn considers her husband Shane one of her mentors. She also has a small group of women -- all Christian women business owners -- that encourage each other. 


When You’re Scared to Start 

Whether you want to launch an online business or try a new approach to your schedule, it’s important to get your mindset right. Society tells us what we “should” do, but Jocelyn notes: “You have to convince yourself I can do this, this possible, and I actually want to do it.” 

Decide to do it. Start taking action. 

Remember this truth:

You can deviate from your college degree. Take a chance and see what happens. 

Also, figure out the way you lead your people. Learn what works for you: what do you need to delegate and what do you need to do yourself. 


How Jocelyn Navigates Leading + Life

Jocelyn is a wife, mom, entrepreneur, home-school teacher, and friend. She knows how hard it is at times. She and Shane try things and see what’s working and change the things that aren’t working. 


Habits + Routines that Help Jocelyn Lead Effectively

She meditates using the Headspace app, which was recommended by her counselor after a time of intense stress. Each guided meditation is about 10 to 15 minutes long and helps her silence her brain.

She also keeps a gratitude journal. 

What Jocelyn Does to Outsource for Her Home

When she and Shane first started their business, their children were 3 years old and 18 months old. At first, they did everything: work full-time, all housework and yard work, and all the kid stuff.

As the business grew, she wanted to outsource housework: laundry, dishes, tidying up. She realized something had to give. Now they have a woman who works 20 to 25 hours a week running errands, doing chores, and getting the laundry done. 

You can tell yourself that no one can clean and organize your home the way you want it done, but she now experiences rest at the end of the day instead of worrying about or doing chores. 


Leaders Are Learners:

Profit First by Mike Michalowicz *


Key Quotes from the Episode: “When God is saying, ‘Do this,” and the rest of the world is saying “Do that,’ that’s a scary point in your life …” - Jocelyn Sams “There is no reason for us to sit idly by and wonder, ‘When am I going to become a leader?’” - Jocelyn Sams “Finding positive people who are going to speak into your life in a positive way when it comes to leadership is really important.” - Jocelyn Sams “You don’t have to stay in your lane.” - Jocelyn Sams “It’s ok for everything not to be perfect … Sometimes life is going to be a little messy.” - Jocelyn Sams  Episode Sponsor: Morningstar Media Services Connect with Esther and Holly: Esther’s Website Holly’s Website Instagram Facebook Group Facebook Page

*Affiliate link 

This episode was originally published on estherlittlefield.com/episode54.