We hear so much about achieving balance in our life as women and leaders yet is this what we should really be after? What would it look like if we could ditch balance and pursue surrender instead? Is it possible that surrender might replace our overwhelm with peace?

In Episode 34, we discussed the question of whether balance is even possible. In this conversation, Holly and I discuss how to ditch balance for surrender. We provide some practical strategies for doing so, along with a free resource to help you take action.

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What does it look like when we are not surrendered to God’s will, or when we are striving for balance, or when we are not spending our time on the things that matter most? 

Overwhelm- feeling like it is all too much to handle or deal with Chaos- feeling confused about what to work on, who to help, what to give our time to Stress- running from one thing to the next trying to just get it all done, but probably not well or with intention Burnout - worst case scenario- getting to the point where you can’t do anything, completely paralyzed by your feeling or paralyzed by apathy, generally this ends up having at least a short term mental health component if not long term.  

3 Ways to Reduce Overwhelm as a Leader

Set up your life: Get clear on your values - what are the guiding principles you live your life by? Decide on your priorities and/or goals for the current season you are in. We recommend the book Essentialism by Greg McKeown. Remove what is not most important so you may need to give up some things. Remember that every “no” is a “yes” to something else. Make sure your calendar reflects your priorities. Block your time. Invest in ways to learn skills and tools that will help you manage your life. For example, join the Confident Leader Club. Reduce mental clutter: Get some healthy habits in place, which will reduce decision fatigue. Do a brain dump so you get all your tasks and responsibilities OUT of your head. Don’t compare what you are doing to what others are doing. Remember to rest and give yourself white space. Have fun and embrace your passions!  Surrender your heart: Rely on the Holy Spirit. Create community and establish a support system. Practice self-care by prioritizing your own walk with God, your physical health, your relationships, and your mental and emotional wellness. Grab this free worksheet to help you figure out what some of the best ways for you to incorporate self care into your life could be. Invest in yourself as a leader and become a part of the Confident Leader Club.  Conclusion:

Remember the goal of life is not to be viewed by the world as perfect or having it all together but to have an audience of one.  

To walk in surrender to God means you will not be focused on what everyone else thinks or trying to achieve a perfect balance in your life. 

Your worth is not dependent on what you do or how well you do it. God has assigned your worth already. He has taken care of 100% of your salvation and nothing you do can add to that to make you more loved.   

Conversely, not having it all or even not handling life well does not make you less worthy or loved by God.  We love God and therefore we want to please him as an act of worship and to bring him glory. Taking care of the things, responsibilities, and people he has entrusted us with is our act of worship in response to his beautiful gift and his unfathomable love for us.   

Key Quotes from Episode:

“This is not about your feelings. This is about what God is calling you and surrendering to whatever that is.”

For the full show notes for this episode, visit estherlittlefield.com/episode36.

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Episode Sponsor: Confident Leader Club

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This episode was originally published on estherlittlefield.com/episode36. To join the Purposeful Leadership Facebook Group, go to estherlittlefield.com/group.