You’re ready to start setting goals. But where do you even begin? Perhaps the goal setting approaches you’ve used in the past haven’t worked. Or maybe you’re ready to create an action plan you’ll actually stick to. If you’re ready to set goals for your life and leadership, this is for you.

In this episode, Holly and I build on our goal-setting framework that we’ve outlined in our Goal Setting Series. We talk about what to do after you’ve reflected, dreamed, and set a vision. This episode is all about the principles behind setting goals and three approaches that will help this year be a year of impact.

Principles of Goal Setting Know your why. If you don’t, it will be easy to throw in the towel when reaching the goal gets hard. Your goals should line up  with your reality. Be honest about how much time, energy, and effort you can invest in your goals. Prioritize your goals. To do this, go back to your vision for the year and your values.

Three Practical Approaches to Goal Setting

While there are many ways to set goals, these are three approaches that Holly and I have experience and success with.

SMART Goal Approach - This acronym helps you wisely set goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound Cut Your Goals in Half Approach - This approach advocated by Jon Acuff in his book Finish is as simple as it sounds. Start with what you’d like to achieve and then cut your goal in half so you build momentum and always feel encouraged. The 12-Week Year Approach - This approach guides you into how to set goals for the next 90 days and breaks the year into four 12-week sections.

Are you ready to take action? Join me for a free workshop:

3 Strategies to Accomplishing Your Goals and Creating a Purposeful Year.


Other Episodes Mentioned:

Episode 24: What You Should Do Before the New Year Begins Episode 25: How to Grow and Reach Your Goals by Doing Less with Barbara Carneiro Episode 26: The Importance of Dreaming and Casting a Vision for the Future

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