Have you ever felt like you are juggling so many balls at once, and at any moment, they could all come tumbling down? Kayla Cornish found herself here, and she actually experienced the balls crashing down. She had been living the life of hustle and seeing success–but it came at a price. It wasn’t until she and her family began accepting the gift of Sabbath rest that things started to change.

As a leader, you may have wondered: is practicing the Sabbath something that modern day Christians need to do? And if so, how on earth can you practice it while still managing all the rest of your responsibilities–especially if you are involved in church ministry on Sundays?

In this conversation, Holly and I talk with Kayla Cornish of Legacy Roots Co. Kayla believes there are 2 important aspects of our purpose as believers, and when we neglect the gift of Sabbath rest, we are missing out on some beautiful things God wants for us, such as healing, peace, love and a deeper relationship with Him.

Listen in to discover more about what it means to practice Sabbath rest and why it’s so important, especially for Christian leaders.

Key Points Discussed:

Kayla’s life & leadership journey

Why Kayla became passionate about the importance of Sabbath

Why mission, vision, and values (or roots) are important for families

Why Sabbath rest is non-negotiable & what it looks like

The benefits of shifting away from a hustle mindset 

The church’s role in leading Christians to cultivate the practice of Sabbath

Tips for getting started with the practice of Sabbath

Why leaders need to model honoring the Sabbath and rest

What to do when your leader or your spouse isn’t on board with the idea of rest 

Leaders are Learners recommendations:

Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer

John Mark Comer Teachings Podcast

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

The Rest of God by Mark Buchanan

Connect with Kayla

Legacy Roots Co Website

Sabbath Ideas

Kayla’s Instagram

Legacy Roots Co Instagram

Ultimate Sabbath Guide


Connect with Esther and the Christian Woman Leadership Podcast:


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