Have you ever attended a live event and not known the best ways to prepare for the event, how best to engage while you were there, or debrief afterward? There’s so much time and planning that goes into getting to a live event that sometimes we don’t take the time to think through what we need to do before, during, and after the actual event takes place.

If you’re a listener of this podcast, you’re likely a leader of some sort in some capacity. You likely like to attend events, learn new things, and grow and build new relationships. But sometimes we get back from those events and we just feel overwhelmed. We feel like there's so much that we took away from it, but we have no idea what to do with that information.  So, in episode 213 of the podcast, we break that tension down and talk about how to get the most out of these kinds of events. 

These tips and tricks cover all sorts of live events, from attending a women's conference at your church, a bigger event or conference, to a business event, or even a smaller one, like a networking event. Take what you need from this conversation and apply it to whatever type of event you’re headed to next!

For the full show notes for this episode, head to estherlittlefield.com/episode213

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