How often have you started out your year strong, with lots of excitement and a vision for the future, only to have completely forgotten about those ideas just a few months later? It doesn't matter whether you are a CEO of a large company, or you're a mom who homeschools and volunteers at your church, it can be tough to stay focused on what is truly important to you and to the things that God has called you to do.

In episode 206, I walk through 6 strategies to stay focused on your visions as a Christian leader. No matter what time of year you’re seeing this, think about how often you fizzle out of good habits you may have set when the New Year rolled around.

There are so many distractions that life throws our way, in addition to the major crises that may come along throughout our year. So I’m sharing with you some of the strategies that I have used in my own life and leadership to stay focused, regardless of what my title, role, or responsibility may be.

For the full show notes for this episode, please visit

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