Have you ever found yourself in a job, business, or ministry situation where you were not sure if you should stay or walk away? How do you discern what path you should take when God hasn’t clearly spoken to you?

When you’re a multi-passionate leader, there’s almost inevitably going to be a time when you are going to start feeling restless in your life. It might be that you’re not satisfied with your job situation. Or you started a business and now you feel like you want to burn it all down. You might be serving in a ministry at church but you aren’t sure if you should continue in that role.

In this conversation, Holly and I are discussing this challenge and sharing some thoughts on how to work through this decision. This is not an episode where we are promising any clear cut answers, but we hope you’ll find the questions and ideas we share helpful as you decide whether to stay or walk away from a particular leadership role.

Note: this conversation is not referring to situations that are unhealthy, toxic, or that God has clearly spoken to you and let you know you should leave. We are referring to the times when we are simply restless and unsure if we should move on or remain.

For the full show notes for this episode, go to estherlittlefield.com/episode174.

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