Entrepreneurship can be lonely, and even more so in the past year during the COVID pandemic. But it is possible to create community and connection with others in business.

In this episode, Holly & I are diving into talking about entrepreneurship, which we haven’t covered much recently. And while this episode has a business focus, a lot of what we share could also apply to leading in ministry and other areas.

We dive into why creating community and connections is essential as an entrepreneur, what that community could look like for you, and how to start making those connections.

  Key Points Discussed: Why do we need community in business? Business/entrepreneurship is lonely Input from others outside of your own business There’s power in collaboration  Having someone to lean on What does community and connection look like for online entrepreneurs? Personal board of directors as described by Dr. Ronke Dosunmu in episode 126 People who are in your industry Someone who knows finances Someone who is a bit ahead of you Mentors Biz Besties How do you find these people? FB groups Paid programs In person events In communities of a coach or mentor you follow   Local networking groups Friends Fun question: If you could jump into a pool of something, what would it be?


Key Quotes from the Episode:

“Sometimes we need someone to help us see where we are getting off track.” - Esther

“Community in business is a way to grow the Kingdom of God.” - Holly

“Know what you need to help you determine who should be in your network.” - Esther

“It’s gonna be weird… you don’t know them!” - Holly

“Any relationship you are looking to build and create only happens when you are willing to be vulnerable.” - Esther

“There’s no shame in not knowing how to do something.” - Esther

“Have an answer to the question: ‘What do you do?’” - Holly

Action step:

Take the awkward step to reach out to someone who might be a good person to connect with.

Resources & Links Mentioned:

Business Series on the podcast

Thriving in Work and Life and How to Transition From Employee to Entrepreneurship with Dr. Ronke Dosunmu [126]

How to Network Authentically Online [CWBP Ep. 36]

Shine Online Course


This episode was originally published on estherlittlefield.com/episode150.