Lately it seems that there is content and information coming at us from every direction. And all of the information, content, and input leads may lead us to feeling pressured or even paralyzed about what to do next.

In this episode, I’m sharing some thoughts about how I’ve been feeling lately, along with some of the themes I’ve been hearing from many of you.

Here are some of the things I’m hearing and experiencing:

Pressures on leaders navigating through the COVID-19 crisis Racism and racial tensions throughout our country Constant messages from organizations, social media, the news, and emails about what leaders should and should not do Feeling like it’s impossible to keep up with everything we need to read, learning, and implement

There is a pressure to constantly be “on” as leaders. Our mental, spiritual, and emotional health can suffer when we are not proactive about protecting ourselves and staying healthy.

But in order to keep yourself healthy, I believe you need to take a step back. Jesus exemplified this in his life and we need to follow in his footsteps.

In this episode, I’m sharing some very practical ways to deal with this issue of content or input overload. These are some things that I recommend at ALL times, but especially at times when you are feeling the weight and pressure needing to continually take in more and more info. 


Small Steps to Take When You Feel Content Overload: Turn off notifications on your phone and devices Schedule your time Ruthlessly prioritize your life Take a break from social media Spend time outside Find time to be quiet Journal Connect with a friend


As Christian leaders, we are overloaded; burdened for people and for the state of our nation and our world.

Let’s follow in Jesus’ footsteps. Take time to retreat, to make sure we are filled up and refreshed. We do not have to be “on” 24/7 and we don’t have to read every post, respond to every message, or take action on every thing immediately

  Take Action:

Choose one of these items on my list to implement this week. Then come share inside of the Purposeful Leadership Facebook group and let us know which one you did! I would love to hear about it.

Other Episodes & Resources Mentioned Episode 102: How to Avoid Burnout and Experience True Rest with Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith Episode 103: The Reality of Racism & What the Church (and You) Can Do with Dr. Shannon Polk Episode 105: Finding Hope and Healing after Ministry Hurt with Kristen Joy  Episode 33: My Favorite Tools for Goal Setting, Planning, and Creating Habits Connect with Esther and Holly: Esther’s other podcast, The Christian Woman Business Podcast Esther’s Website Holly’s Website Instagram Facebook Group Facebook Page


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