In our first episode of The Christian Woman Leadership Podcast, Holly and I share why we are starting the podcast, a bit about our own leadership journeys, and what to expect from this podcast.

Why We Started the Podcast:

There are lots of podcasts about leadership for Christians, but most are by men and/or are specific to pastors. There are also plenty of podcasts for Christian women, but I didn’t find many related to leadership.

Also, I have found a number of podcasts for entrepreneurs, even some for Christian women business owners, but these are specific to business and don’t often cover ministry or church life. I saw the need for a podcast for Christian women in leadership that would address leading in ministry, business, or other areas of your life.

That’s how The Christian Woman Leadership Podcast was born. I asked Holly to join me on this project because she and I have worked together in leadership roles, and I knew that she would bring a great perspective to the podcast. Plus, we have a lot of fun together!

Our Leadership Journeys:

Holly and I both share how we discovered that we are leaders, as well as some of the impactful moments and people in our journeys.

Holly’s leadership journey began in her younger years when she fell into various leadership roles. She later had some experiences in college that gave her the opportunity to lead, but church is where she truly began to understand her ability to lead and influence. Down the road, she was able to take on a leadership role in her job as well.

My leadership journey started as a child as well, but it didn’t occur to me that I was a leader until a few years ago. I was called “bossy” as a child, and I often was put into leadership positions and given opportunities throughout high school and college.

As an adult, I began leading alongside my husband in our church when he became the youth pastor and later executive pastor. I also started a women’s small group and my own business.

We also discuss how leaders often have a message to share, and we each share a bit our own messages.

What to Expect from The Christian Woman Leadership Podcast:

We want to bring you the content that will be most helpful to you in your leadership journey. You will likely be encouraged and challenged by the coming episodes.

Here’s an idea of what type of episodes you’ll hear:

Interviews with Christian women in leadership - some you may have heard of and some you probably have not. Holly & I chatting about topics related to leadership, providing you with resources and encouragement as you grow as a leader. Some solo episodes where I share a training or topic with you. How You Can Connect With Us:

Join our Purposeful Leadership Facebook group! In the Facebook group, we can chat about what you need as a leader, what your challenges are, as well as celebrate the wins. This is a great community to learn and grow together. We want to get to know YOU.

This episode was first published at