What You'll Hear:

Introducing the first Selah episode
As most of you probably know, the word Selah is primarily in the Psalms, in fact it's used 71 times in Psalms and 3 times in book of Habbakuk, Will continue with biweekly interviews Selah episodes will replace the other activities I have been doing or or you could say these other activities will be incorporated into my Selah episodes.  While in my standard interviews, I try to let the men I interview tell their story and I try not to get in the way too much with my own opinions, my Selah episodes will primarily be my perspective on issues important to me that I hope will also be important to you, as well as occasional announcements about things I think you should know about, and from time to time I'm sure I will use these episodes to pay tribute to Christian men who have made the ultimate promotion from this earthly life to a heavenly life.  First CMAW Retreat - On October 4-5 of this year, we are holding the very first Christian Men at Work Retreat.  Please mark your calendars and plan to attend.  There will be more details coming in the future, but here's what I know right now.  The event will be just outside of Greensboro at a Conference Center where I've led men's retreats in the past.  It will be short and sweet, starting in the evening of Friday, Oct. 5, one overnight stay, and will end mid-day on Sat, October 5.  The cost will minimal, somewhere around $25 and will include all expenses including lodging and meals.  I'll be partnering on this with my good friend Chuck Powers who leads the Randolph Christian Men's Ministry just south of Greensboro.  It's going to be an awesome event and I wanted you to hear about it now so you can mark your calendars. Now to the main event in this episode, my tribute to Coach K. I met Coach K several years ago when I was leading my first men's ministry at my church.  I reached out to the Man in the Mirror organization for support and they referred me to Jeff Kisiah, their national field director.  Jeff gave me some great advice which immediately impacted the direction I took with that men's ministry.  He agreed to let me interview him on my podcast and over the years we've stayed in touch off and on.  Two ways Jeff impacted me 1) he helped chip away at my legalistic attitude (Clemson, ministry of hanging out, be a regular joe not a holy joe 2) installed a passion in me about men's ministry.  He will be sorely missed.  Here's my interview #13 with Jeff Kisiah.
Intro to Jeff: Jeff Kisiah was a high school coach who has gone by “Coach K”, was an associate pastor for 30 years focusing on Men’s Ministry Since 2013, Jeff has been the National Field Director for the Man in the Mirror organization, whose mission is to help men disciple men After attending 22 Promise Keeper conferences, Jeff was looking for ways to make Men’s Ministry more sustainable, and was drawn to Patrick Morley at MIM and the No Man Left Behind Principles. These principles include an all-inclusive mindset and leaders complementing, not competing with the vision of their church. There are 3 common mistakes most men’s ministries make Jeff believes in the ministry of hanging out at work, and recommends we be a regular Joe not a holy Joe Find out what your co-workers enjoy and establish a relationship with them At work, we need to look at other men through the eyes of Jesus, not the eyes of judgment