S Star Trek episode "TNG Chain of Command Part 2" Captain Picard is captured by the Cardasians and tortured physically and pyschologically.  To break him the torturer tells Picard there are 5 lights in front of him even though there are 4 lights and he continually presses him to admit there are 5 lights.  Picard refuses to give in despite promises of a life of ease for him if he would just admit there are 5 lights.  In the end the Captain is released and he yells out "there are 4 lights!".  I'll include a link to this scene in the show notes.   People talk all the time about how bad, surreal and bizarre 2020 is.  While I agree with those sentiments, I see this year as an extreme and somewhat predictable continuation of a pattern that's been going on for a long time which includes a coming out of lies, darkness and evil.   While I've talked several times about how I should not make politics an idol and get too caught up in what's going on in politics, I feel the need to speak out about the issue of truth as it relates to the election and several other issues.   I was actually planning on talking about something else with this Selah episode.  I had a number of messages come to me the last couple weeks related to the importance of focusing on what's most important in every part of our lives.  I think what pushed me to speak about truth vs lies instead was an email I received from Axis Ministries, something they call the Cultural Insider.   In their email they criticized Eric Metaxas for stressing the need to investigate the election fraud and claiming that Trump won the election by a landslide.  They cited a reason for this that AG Bill Barr said he hadn't seen evidence of fraud that would have changed the election.  I read most of the emails I get from Axis because they provide good info for parents on the culture our kids are facing, but I believe they don't know what they are talking about when it comes to these elections, and citing a comment from an AG who doesn't seem interested in even investigating the election fraud is a weak argument at best.   While God is in control, I believe we as Christians should stand up for truth and stand against lies.  As Christians, we all hope that we will stand up for Christ if ever challenged.  We picture us facing a moment like Peter faced when asked if he was with Jesus.  I don't  know if you or I will ever face such a clear test as Peter did, but I do know that we all are facing huge issues daily that have 2 opposing views that cannot both be correct.  At a rapidly increasing rate I see more and more in our culture including those who identify as Christian accepting things as true that defy logic and facts and/or that go against clear teachings in the Bible.  If we don't speak against lies about things like the election, Covid-19, abortion, LGBT and many other issues, why would we think we will stand firmly when challenged about our faith in Christ.  Not only are there lies being told more often and more boldly than ever before, there's been a shocking increase in censorship of free speech on social media and elsewhere.   I just want to make a few quick reflecting my opinions on several issues and offer some recommended reliable sources for more info, or at least sources that provide a viewpoint and information not available in the majority of information sources these days.   The 2020 Election I believe there is a lot of evidence of fraud, more than enough to re-elect Donald Trump but more importantly the fraud is so significant that if it's not corrected in this election we will not have another free and fair election Sources to check out electionevidence.com The Eric Metaxas podcast naturalnews.com The Ben Shaprio Show podcast The Rush Limbaugh Radio Show Newsmax.com The Epoch Times Right Side Broadcasting Redstate.com Rudy Guliani's Common Sense   Covid-19 I believe Covid-19 is a real disease but I believe it was created and used to overthrow Donald Trump, destroy our economy, and condition us to give up our constitutional rights in preparation for something much worse that's coming.  I believe that most of the reaction to this Pandemic by the media and governments doesn't make sense medically and certainly not economically.  John Hopkins came out with a report that basically said there has been no change in overall deaths between 2019 and 2020 and that there has been no increase in deaths among the elderly between 2019 and 2020.  The use of masks and isolating the entire healthy population instead of isolating the sick and most vulnerable was never recommended by health officials as a way to effectively deal with a virus before Covid-19.  From what I can tell including my direct experience with family and friends, most people who get tested positive for Covid-19 have no systems.  This makes no sense to me and yet everyone just accepts this as normal.  While the death rate earlier in the pandemic was relatively low and in line with the common flu, deaths have decreased and the current panic and justification for renewed lockdowns is based on rising positive case rates and I believe these numbers are filled with false positives.  The original pitch was that we needed to take 2 weeks to flatten the curve so that hospitals would not be over-run and here we are 9 months later.   It's hard to recommend specific sources for truth on Covid since the censorship on this topic is so high, but here are a few: The documentary Plandemic The Cult(ure) of Scientific Misdirection by Thomas Wood The White Coat Summit I The White Coat Summit II Truthunedited.com video on the Great Reset aminutetomidnite video Test is worthless article   LGBT issues inhisimage.movie   Abortion The Silent Scream Abortion Debate liveaction   There are many lies being told today, with greater frequency and severity than ever before, One positive note is that I believe more than ever it's becoming more clear the distinction between truth and lies.  You could say that factors like Donald Trump and Covid-19 are revealing lies like dross being revealed in silver under extreme heat. Jesus said that the truth of parables would not be recognized by unbelievers.  Yet today, I'm seeing more and more differences in how Christians see truth on important issues of our day.  So who is right, and will those who are being deceived be open to greater and greater deception in the future.?  I'll leave this with those questions to ponder.    E Eric Metaxas for standing up for truth even when attacked by other Christians   L Jeremiah 23:24 NIV "Who can hide in secret places
    so that I cannot see them?”
declares the Lord.
    “Do not I fill heaven and earth?”
declares the Lord."   A If interested in podcast on prepping and/or Messianic Christianity, email me support@christianmenatwork.com considering creating these to be broadcast on patreon.com   H Another reason to pause before sending your email - if you intend to reply to an email which was sent to more than one person, wait to see if others reply first.  This will allow you to consider their reply in your reply, and it may result in you not needing to reply at all