What You'll Hear: Jeremiah's Mom grew up in Budapest, Hungary.  Both of her parents were Holocaust survivors.  She came to faith in Yeshua while in college, so Jeremiah grew up in Canada knowing his Jewish roots and came to saving faith at 6 years old and was baptized. He went to Ambrose College, a Bible College in rural Canada. Jews for Jesus is a non-profit mission organization which for the last 44 years has been about relentlessly pursuing God's plan for salvation for the Jewish people.  In 13 countries where missionary staff are Jewish or married to a Jewish person.  Our heart is going as Jews to our Jewish people with the Gospel. He joined the traveling music team for Jews for Jesus and traveled the U.S. and Canada with 7 others singing at churches, campuses, street corners, etc.  During a second tour, he and his wife decided to be trained as missionaries and moved to Chicago. Jeremiah and his wife Hannah started writing a bunch of songs while pregnant with their second child Judah, which means praise.  They like to write songs from the Psalms. The church should have a heart for Israel. What's important to God ought to be important to us as followers of Him. God created a people for Himself, the Jewish people, for a few purposes.  Jesus came from the Jewish people but also for the Jewish people. God still has a plan for the Jewish people that ties into the end times and God's redemptive work. Replacement theology and dual covenant theology is dangerous because it says Jews don't even need salvation. Gentile believers have a responsibility to bring the Gospel back to the people who gave it to them. Church history has some blemishes.  Jewish believers were rejected by Gentile believers as well as by the Jewish people. Most Jewish people come to faith in Jesus from a Gentile Christian who invite them to church. "Jews Don't Need Jesus and other Misconceptions" discusses a lot of false doctrine regarding Jewish people Jewish people need Jesus.  There's more Jewish people living in Israel than anywhere in the world. "Most men think their work is part of the curse, but I think our work is part of our mandate in the creation story." When we think of difficult people we work with, we don't think of ourselves.  Often the things that irritate us about people we work with are indications of things that are in us. The buttons that other people push in us tell us more about ourselves and our story than they tell us about others. If we don't learn from difficult people in our lives, God will send us more difficult people Balance is not the right goal and it's actually impossible. When you're in a cycle, you're all in.  Recommend "Spiritual Rhythm - Being with Jesus Through Every Season of Your Soul" by Mark Buchanan. We crave balance but what we actually need is rhythm. Be present now.  When you're at work, be present at work.  When you're at home, be present at home. When you invest in one area for a season, then invest in another area when you're in a different season Recommend "Essentialism - The Disciplined Pursuit of Less" (a life changer) and "The One Thing" Many older men have said if they did it over again they would spend more time with less people Important verse Jeremiah 1 "before I formed you in the womb I knew you" Social media, just like money, can be used for good and be used for bad Social media is testing our self discipline, our itch for instant self gratification We need to set boundaries for ourselves with social media because no-one is going to do it for us For more info go to www.jewsforjesus.com/jeremiahandhannah Listen to "The Lord Watches" by Jeremiah and Hannah Zaretsky.

What You'll Hear: Jeremiah's Mom grew up in Budapest, Hungary.  Both of her parents were Holocaust survivors.  She came to faith in Yeshua while in college, so Jeremiah grew up in Canada knowing his Jewish roots and came to saving faith at 6 years old and was baptized. He went to Ambrose College, a Bible College in rural Canada. Jews for Jesus is a non-profit mission organization which for the last 44 years has been about relentlessly pursuing God's plan for salvation for the Jewish people.  In 13 countries where missionary staff are Jewish or married to a Jewish person.  Our heart is going as Jews to our Jewish people with the Gospel. He joined the traveling music team for Jews for Jesus and traveled the U.S. and Canada with 7 others singing at churches, campuses, street corners, etc.  During a second tour, he and his wife decided to be trained as missionaries and moved to Chicago. Jeremiah and his wife Hannah started writing a bunch of songs while pregnant with their second child Judah, which means praise.  They like to write songs from the Psalms. The church should have a heart for Israel. What's important to God ought to be important to us as followers of Him. God created a people for Himself, the Jewish people, for a few purposes.  Jesus came from the Jewish people but also for the Jewish people. God still has a plan for the Jewish people that ties into the end times and God's redemptive work. Replacement theology and dual covenant theology is dangerous because it says Jews don't even need salvation. Gentile believers have a responsibility to bring the Gospel back to the people who gave it to them. Church history has some blemishes.  Jewish believers were rejected by Gentile believers as well as by the Jewish people. Most Jewish people come to faith in Jesus from a Gentile Christian who invite them to church. "Jews Don't Need Jesus and other Misconceptions" discusses a lot of false doctrine regarding Jewish people Jewish people need Jesus.  There's more Jewish people living in Israel than anywhere in the world. "Most men think their work is part of the curse, but I think our work is part of our mandate in the creation story." When we think of difficult people we work with, we don't think of ourselves.  Often the things that irritate us about people we work with are indications of things that are in us. The buttons that other people push in us tell us more about ourselves and our story than they tell us about others. If we don't learn from difficult people in our lives, God will send us more difficult people Balance is not the right goal and it's actually impossible. When you're in a cycle, you're all in.  Recommend "Spiritual Rhythm - Being with Jesus Through Every Season of Your Soul" by Mark Buchanan. We crave balance but what we actually need is rhythm. Be present now.  When you're at work, be present at work.  When you're at home, be present at home. When you invest in one area for a season, then invest in another area when you're in a different season Recommend "Essentialism - The Disciplined Pursuit of Less" (a life changer) and "The One Thing" Many older men have said if they did it over again they would spend more time with less people Important verse Jeremiah 1 "before I formed you in the womb I knew you" Social media, just like money, can be used for good and be used for bad Social media is testing our self discipline, our itch for instant self gratification We need to set boundaries for ourselves with social media because no-one is going to do it for us For more info go to www.jewsforjesus.com/jeremiahandhannah Listen to "The Lord Watches" by Jeremiah and Hannah Zaretsky.