What You'll Hear:   The festivals are commonly called the Jewish Feasts but the Bible calls them the Feasts of the Lord, it means appointed times Leviticus 23 is the source text, there generally are 7 Feasts Quick overview: 1. Passover, celebrated at Easter, when the Jewish people were saved with the blood of the lamb over the door posts 2. Unleavened Bread 3. First Fruits - first day of the week after Passover 4. Pentecost - Shavuot -BREAK at 20:43 (Metal Talk) 5.Feast of Trumpets - generally known as Rosh Hashannah, the Jewish New Year 6.Day of Atonement - Yom Kippur 7. Feast of Booths - Sukkot The first 4 are in the Spring, the last 3 are in the Fall These feasts have incredible prophetic significance When Gentile believers started in the church they started to push out the Jewish people and there was a lot of anti-semitism They replaced them with holidays based on pagan holidays The 25th of December was out of the Pagan calendar Today Christians are more committed to their traditions than to the scripture when it comes to these holidays For those believers that are convicted that you should stop doing the Christian holidays do it, but if you're not then don't, as Paul said we have freedom in Christ, it's a maturity issue, as one seeks what God wants for many people they choose to make a change Passover the significance is the Passover Lamb, the way we know that Jesus is the Messiah is that He has to fit the identify of the Messiah in scripture, one example is the Messiah was not to have any bones broken, as John said here is the Lamb who takes away the sin of the world It's the most important Feast and is the first, when we do communion and take bread and drink wine or grape juice it's based on the Passover meal Unleavened Bread - leaven represents sin, everything eaten by Jewish people has no leaven in it First Fruits - coincides with the resurrection the first day of the week Shavuot - Feast of Weeks after 49 days, on Mt. Sinai, Moses came down from the mountain with the 10 commandments and the people had made a golden calf, 3,000 people died In Acts 2 when the church is born and the Spirit comes down with flames on their heads and 3000 people were saved Feast of Trumpets - Rosh Hashannah Related to the corronation of a King, revolves around the idea of a coming King Jesus fulfilled the first 4 feasts in His first coming and He will fulfill the last 3 feasts in His second coming Yom Kippur - day of repentance, Jesus will judge in His second coming Feast of Booths When Jesus is transfigured on the mountain and He shows them His glory, the disciples want to build 3 booths or huts, they're wondering if He's come to set up the Kingdom Be aware of what these Feasts are and what God is teaching us through Him, all Christians should know this The New Testament is like the roof of a house, built on the foundation of the Old Testament,  Understanding is key, practicing is a whole different question In the last chapter of Isaiah, it talks about the new Kingdom, we find that these feasts are re-instituted, all nations will be required to practice these feasts in Jerusalem, nations that do not practice them will be punished Jesus will have to physically rule from Jerusalem on earth for 1000 years, if that is the case there's a whole lot that has to happen, when we are resurrected we're going to be back on earth with Jesus and we'll have a job to do in that Kingdom, it's a real place where we will be doing real jobs, being ruled by a just King, we'll have resurrected bodies Paul, who was the superJew, had a ministry to the Gentiles, Jews respond better to Gentiles with the Gospel, as the Bible says it will provoke them to jealousy Generally, anyone who is seeking the Lord and seeking truth will be moved by this understanding, if the Jewish people are important to God, clearly this must be important to believers, if it's not then why? A lot of anti-semitism is based on ignorance contact [email protected]